Budbod Kabog festival dance workshop

The 1st Budbod Kabog Festival Dance Workshop was successfully held at the Session Hall of the Municipality of Catmon, Cebu last Wednesday and Thursday through the efforts of Mayor Estrella C. Aribal, Vice-Mayor Avis G. Monleon and SB Members of the Municipality.

The workshop was conducted to upgrade the existing festival - Budbod Kabog - in preparation for the festivities in honor of its Patron San Guillermo de Aquitania on February 10 of next year. Preparations have been made six months earlier such that pre-productions and time management may result to a well-prepared exhibition of this unique festival.

The workshop, which includes lectures on choreography, staging and dance composition, was well attended with local choreographers and dance enthusiasts.

"Kabog" is a small, circular and yellowish cereal and forage grass endemic to the place. It is in its preparation that the dance steps of Budbod Kabog festival was conceptualized with eight basic dance steps.

This includes "Kabhig" or the sowing of the seeds, "Abog", shooing the birds away from the seeds, "Kayog", harvesting, "Gi-ok", footwork movements used to separate the grains from the Kabog stalk, "Asod", constant pounding of the wooden pestles upon the large wooden mortar to grind the seeds, "Alig-ig", separates the seeds from the shell, "Pasiko", circular stirring of the Kabog mix in a large cauldron, "Kilikiti", wrapping the Budbod Kabog with banana leaves. "Paibog" is an optional step simulating the passersby to come and taste the delicious Budbod Kabog.

The upcoming festival is open to all barangays of the municipality.

The workshop is a formal commencement for all participating groups signifying that the plum prize is now in the offing. With barely two months to prepare, the excitement begins as these groups begin to master their interesting dance routines. So much effort is focused to make the festival a resounding success.

To the people of Catmon, good luck!

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