Dare to dream, shine, grow: Personality Dev't Avenue workshoppers

The kids and youngsters who are undertaking the Personality Development Avenue-1st Batch, organized by Art Dynamics Cebu, a speech and talent development company completed their first three weekends of workshops, which includes a VTR shoot at Plantation Bay Resort & Spa.

Sessions on body language and visual poise, public speaking and basic acting, runway modeling and camera projection for VTR have been learned by 7 youngsters and 14 kids who comprise the first batch of participants. At the shoot last Nov. 19, the 21 participants had fun playing in the sand and despite the short drizzle, they still managed to finish the activity with flying colors.

Those interested to join the second batch should sign up on Nov. 25 and 26 at 12-3 p.m. at SM City Hall D. Call 2616592 or 09174729315 for more details or log on to www.pda-2006.blogspot.com. PD Avenue is in partnership with ABS-CBN, SM City and Desires Studio and supported by Cebu Music Learning Center, World of Fun, Plantation Bay, Mactan Multi-color Printing Press, i-FM, Home Radio, Axom, Monster Radio, SHG Marketing, Cebu Trip Rent A Car, E-Mall, Mr. Ryan Yee and The FREEMAN. PR

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