A piece of cake

I'm a bit bored with the happenings in my life right now that I can actually say that trying my best to chew my food while talking clearly with Americans is a major adventure.

Please give me an interesting hobby.

One I could actually do while I'm working (that is, talking on the phone). I have a few friends who actually suggested different things. Here's a few of their suggestions, along with my reactions:

Sewing: no thanks, poking is not my thing

Reading: I'm actually a bookworm, but the thing is, I tend to say what I've been reading to the Americans. Chances are, they might think I'm a psycho who trails off to another world randomly.

Writing: I can't. When I write, I have a one-track mind. I can't be disturbed.

Sleeping: That is not allowed! I've been forever trying different ways as not to get caught while sleeping. But supervisors are expert predators in things like this.

Eating: Me? Fat cow? Nah, I'd rather adopt the anorexic look I have right now.

Cakes with fancy icings are the best.

Have you had this feeling of shrieking in delight as you do something you totally enjoy?

I shriek in delight when I bite into a piece of cake (it's possible, I have a natural flair for doing the most nutty things).

I derive happiness from simple perks.

So what? I think that's the way life should be lived, anyway. You know, breathing everything in extremes. We only live once, so we might as well get the most out of it.

(Looking at myself in the mirror: Nym, you're trailing off)

Piece of advice? Eat lotsa cakes.

Send me an email and give me a hobby, will you? (orange_nym@yahoo.com)

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