It came as a surprise to me that apart from being the 1st degree cousin of my father, Tita Jo was coincidentally my mother Lucy's roommate in college. I felt like a hero in making this connection because now, they are all in touch after all these years. I also learned that Tita Jo enjoys travelling and is happily married to an American from Tennessee.
Another auntie is my Tita Charito Aberasturi. When I first met her, I thought that her features looked exactly like my grandmother whom I call Mommy Moning. Tita Charito has such a beautiful personality and I instantly felt so comfortable around her. The relationship we built in such a short period of time is one nice thing I would be able to share with my father.
Tita Charito's son is Laurence Sala who is my 2nd degree cousin. He is hilarious and I figured that out soon after I met him. It was when we went on the Buckingham Palace tour to view Queen Elizabeth's huge collection of gowns and millions worth of jewellery! It took most of us ages to study every bit of detail in each and every gown and piece of jewellery when Laurence only walked out smiling and said, "Wa gyud ko nalingaw." He's a great cousin and I only wish I met him earlier.
My other two titas that I met on this trip were Tita Joy Escaño and Tita Mila Escaño, as well brothers Tito Gabriel, Tito Loren and Tito Manolet Escaño. I have learned that I have cousins whom I haven't met, some in L.A. and even in Hamburg, Germany where Tito Gabriel is based. It was nice spending time with the family and catching up on what we've missed all these years. I however, was most familiar with Tito Manolet of the group because he and I used to sing The Escaño Song during reunions and it was great to see him again after such a long time! How time flies!
It was great to have finally met a few members of the Escaño clan. They are such wonderful people. I look forward to see them again in the near future, possibly on the Escaño reunion in January 2007.