Rotary Club of Cebu Fuente's Induction ...a night of elegance... a night of family... a night of friendship

The Rotary Club of Cebu Fuente's 24th joint annual induction turned out to be a NIGHT OF ELEGANCE - the ambiance set by the club's adopted daughter, the pixie and super talented Sheila Solon, plus the formal attire of barong and long gown spilled elegance.

...a night of family - Pres. Mike Veloso was surprised when only daughter Kelly introduced him and when his father a Rotarian and Past District Governor (District 3850) Tony Veloso charged him as president. The guest speaker was not only a Rotarian and a Past District Governor (District 3870) but Pres. Mike's Godfather, Charles Reith. Pres. Mike's beautiful and ever supportive wife Betty, with the children, parents and parent-in-law came in full force. The Rotarians came with their spouses, as well.

Pres. Mike in his inaugural speech paid tribute to the four women in his life: his Mom Edwina Veloso, his mother-in-law Zeny Larrazabal, his only daughter Kelly and of course his wife, Betty, whom he loves so much even if she drives him "crazy".

...a night of friendship...with the attendance of other Rotarians from other clubs, friends and guests. For as my friend Past Pres. Me'anne Solomon said in her toast - " a toast to friendship because through friendship... fellowship follows... then service is made easy"! Rotary, she said, is Fellowship and Service.

To Pres. Mike and Spouse Pres. Betty, you are beginning another century, the 2nd century of Rotary service. Your year will set the pace and standards for the next 99 years of Rotary Club of Cebu Fuente. Congratulations!

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