Lindsay Lohan's nude Playboy cover leaked online

CEBU, Philippines - She is no doubt one of the most high profile and controversial stars to agree to grace the magazine's front cover.

But Lindsay Lohan’s Playboy cover shot big reveal has been thwarted and a picture of the upcoming issue has been leaked online.

The 25-year-old actress is seen straddling a Playboy bunny shaped chair which manages to cover her modesty.

 Lindsay, who was reportedly paid $1million for the shoot, had planned to reveal her nude cover on the Ellen DeGeneres show on December 15.

The actress had to pose for the magazine photographers twice, as the original attempt did not satisfy Playboy boss Hugh Hefner.

Speaking about the snaps which appear in the January/ February issue of the magazine, Hefner spoke about the inspiration behind the racy shots.

He said: “It's a classic tribute, inspired by the original Tom Kelley nude pictorial of Marilyn Monroe. [It's] classy, very classy.”

 This is not the first time that Lindsay has bared all for a magazine, in 2008 she covered herself in just a sheer pink scarf posing on the front of New York magazine.

Lindsay has been keeping a fairly low profile of late and last month she spent just four and a half hours in jail, after being released early from her 30-day sentence, due to overcrowding.

The sentence also requires Lohan to undergo 18 psychotherapy sessions and appear monthly at court hearings between December 2011 and March 2012, she also has to complete more community service. (FREEMAN)

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