Broken (Dawn)? Twilight star Kristen Stewart sports hand cast

CEBU, Philippines - It seems Twilight star Kristen Stewart is trying to live up to the franchises latest movie title Breaking Dawn.

The actress was spotted with a cast on her wrist when she touched down in Los Angeles LAX airport.

She arrived in Hollywood as she prepares for the upcoming promotional efforts for the anticipated flick.

The 21-year-old, who plays Bella Swan in the hit vampire romance, was spotted arriving at the busy transport hub yesterday afternoon nursing a hand cast. Californian Kristen looked a bit worse for wear after the long flight from London. She wore a far from racy ensemble of sports jacket, jeans, trainers and sunglasses after touching down.

The actress had been filming Snow White in England, despite sporting the cast on her recently injured hand.

She will be teaming up with Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner for a busy promotional day tomorrow. They will be visiting Grauman's Chinese Theatre at a ceremony inducting the Twilight stars on Hollywood's Walk of Fame.

And they will also be taking part in a Q&A session during the MTV First: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 event. (FREEMAN)

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