'Major Mistake' Question For Venus Raj, Hard To Answer, Says American Journalists

CEBU, Philippines - Miss Universe 2010 fourth runner-up Maria Venus Raj said that she’s never made a major mistake in her life. That answer, many believe, cost the crown to slip from her fingers.

The 22-year-old Bicolana was on stage at the Miss Universe pageant in Las Vegas, in the final round of judging before a live studio and television audience. Under the glare of the lights and television cameras, actor and judge William Baldwin asked Raj what many might think would be a simple question.

“What is one big mistake that you’ve made in your life, and what did you do to make it right?” Baldwin asked.

“You know what, sir? In my 22 years of existence, I can say there is nothing major, major, I mean, problem that I have done in my life,” said Raj with a wide smile on her face, adding that she thought it was a “great question.”

After she expertly negotiated platform heels and a bikini, Raj had been widely tipped to win the whole contest after topping online polls. But with that answer, Raj took fourth place, and Miss Mexico Jimena Navarette romped away with the title. No answer, no crown, or so it seems.

Upon arriving around 4 am yesterday at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport Terminal 2 in Manila two days after the pageant, Raj was asked by reporters about her much talked-about response during the question-and-answer portion. Admitting she got overwhelmed and nervous, she reiterated that she was standing by her answer if asked the same question one more time.

Now, it looks like Raj has found an ally in the US media. 

In a special report that appeared on the website of the US broadcast media giant ABC News, written by Sharon Alfonsi and Bradley Blackburn, Raj is not the only one who has struggled with that question. Everyone from US presidents to job applicants have found forming a response to that question difficult.

According to the report, even former US President George W. Bush was once asked to name his biggest mistake in an interview and bungled his answer. “Mmm... I wish I, you would have given me a, this written, a question ahead of time,” was what Bush could only cough out.

ABC’s “World News” with Diane Sawyer recently featured Raj’s answer, saying that the contestant was not alone in being stumped for an answer to this seemingly simple question—and that even the smart ones do find it a tough one.

“No one likes to admit they make mistakes, especially in a high pressure situation like a job interview, where they’re being judged anyway,” explained Louise Kursmark, director of the Resume Writing Academy, when she was interviewed on “World News.”

Asked the same question, other ABC News journalists failed to muster a clear reply.

“Good Morning America” news anchor Robin Roberts could only say, “Hmmm,” while ABC News correspondent John Berman pondered for a while before saying, “Waxing.” ABC News White House correspondent Jake Tapper, on the other hand, said, “Certainly not anything I’m going to say on national television.”

Louise Kursmark, director of the Resume Writing Academy, further told “World News” that the reason people struggle with this question is because “no one wants to admit they make mistakes.” Nevertheless, people, particularly job applicants, should brace themselves for the “mistakes question,” but that they have to keep their answers as professional as possible.

And to be able to answer, Kursmark advised that one should select a learning experience. “You need to be honest but you don’t have to bear your soul.You want to pick an example that’s truthful, honest and was a learning experience for you.”

After all, everyone makes mistakes.

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