Animal Planet soars above the wilderness to track 'The Path of the Condor'

Patagonia, Argentina is a land of incredible landscapes, diverse environments and massive land extensions. It is the home of the world’s largest flying bird, the Andean condor. Through the eyes and experiences of two men – an ornithologist and a paraglider pilot – Animal Planet takes you on THE PATH OF THE CONDOR, to gain insight into the life of this majestic bird and understand the secrets of its flight. THE PATH OF THE CONDOR premieres today, August 15 at 8:00 pm. Encores Thursday, August 19 at 2:00 pm, Saturday, August 21 at 4:00 pm and on Sunday, August 22 at 12:00 pm.

Andean condors might be regarded as ‘Kings of the Skies’ but scientists estimate there are no more than a few thousand of the species left in the Andean ranges. The violent storms of the Andes, giddy heights and freezing temperatures make flying a permanent challenge yet this is where the Andean condor shows its mastery, gliding through the air in the most extreme conditions. Which air currents do the Andean condors use to reach their heights? How do they find their food in the desert? Why do they fly in flocks?

THE PATH OF THE CONDOR follows Lorenzo Sympson, an ornithologist who has been studying the condor for decades, and Martin Vallmitjana, an outstanding paraglider pilot who wants to improve his own flying, as they set out to share what they each know about the Andean condor and its magnificent flying characteristics. See how the dynamism of a paraglider in full flight is contrasted with the peace and majesty of the Andean condor. Follow the Andean condor through its various habitats, from the foothills of the Andes to the desert, glaciers, volcanoes and the highest mountain peaks, and discover the magic of its flight.

THE PATH OF THE CONDOR is narrated by Viggo Mortensen.

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