11 reasons to be on team Jacob

1.         HIS ABS, WHAT ELSE?! In “Twilight,” we saw only a glimpse of his body — with the baggy jacket, long hair and all. In “New Moon,” we witnessed how werewolves can be synonymous to biceps and muscles; how Jacob Black (Taylor Lautner) himself transformed into a one hot hunk with a killer bod. And just when we thought we saw it all, we were wrong. In “Eclipse,” the latest installment of the Twilight saga, he showed more skin, and had Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) feeling threatened to the point of asking Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) if he does own a shirt.

2.         HIS BROWN COMPLEXION. From the soft white skin of the vampires, to the icy white snow in Forks, a brown variation could be very yummy to the eyes. It spells masculinity and huskiness. Add the brown fur as an advantage — so cuddly, so warm — definitely a Jacob thing.

3.         JAKE’S BOYISH GRIN. How many times do we grin back unconsciously as we stare at Jacob Black in the screen? How many times does Bella’s heart do the flip-flop every time Jake gives him one of his warmest smiles? Yup, your guess is as good as mine. It’s the smile that brightens up the whole La Push beach; the beam that promises a new beginning — a new moon in Bella’s dark night.

4.         HE IS NOT BORING. Unlike you-know-who, who doesn’t do anything much than have Bella safe and sound, Jacob is way “cooler”. He lets Bella ride his motorcycle (seeing him in one as well, you can’t help but say, wow!), and making sure she wouldn’t be hurt in the process.

5.         HE CAN HEAR THOUGHTS. Yeah, yeah… it might just be limited to the werewolves’ thoughts, but still he is such a sensitive guy who can very well read into what is inside Bella’s mind. He can be her soulmate — if the world was the way it was supposed to be. With no bloodsuckers, that is.

6.         JACOB’S BOYFRIEND MATERIAL. Aside from being gorgeous, beautiful, attractive, considerate, sweet, caring,  sympathetic, smart, amazing, compassionate, astonishing… whew!  Need I say more?

7.         HE IS HUMAN. Breathing, heartbeat, jealousy, foolishness — these are the things that make him human. Attributes that make you imagine, and imagine some more knowing that he is the closest thing you can get to the “real” thing.

8.         WORLD’S GREATEST BESTFRIEND. You could say he has another agenda in mind, but still he has always been there for Bella. Though how painful it is for him to be near his mortal enemies, he manages to bear it all for Bella. He’s able to control his jealousy and hatred and stop himself from phasing so he wouldn’t be able to hurt Bella.

9.         HE IS ONE SMART GUY. From “Twilight” to “New Moon” to “Eclipse,” trust Jacob to find a way to have Bella figure out everything. He always finds a way to make everything sensible for Bella and Edward. He’s on hand to help Bella live through it all, and is even there for Edward and the Cullen family to fight the rest of their kind. Who would have dreamt that vampires and werewolves could work together? But Jacob made it all possible. He did find a way to make everything work out.

10.       EDWARD LIKES JACOB. Didn’t Edward, in one of the scenes in the movie “Eclipse,” admit that if they weren’t natural enemies and that if Jacob was not trying to steal away the “reason for his existence,” he might actually like him? Sure he would, I mean who wouldn’t?

11.       “FACE IT, I AM HOTTER THAN YOU.” The infamous line from “Eclipse” that made the people inside the movie house roar with cheer. Jacob is definitely “hotter” than Edward. And I couldn’t agree more.

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