Golden Haven holds 'Songs Of Summer' kiddie singing contest today

CEBU, Philippines - Golden Haven Park holds the Child Singing Contest Songs of Summer today, April 25, 2010, from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Golden Haven Park located in Barangay Binaliw (formerly part of Talamban) Cebu City.

On-the-spot registration for interested participants will also be today, April 25. Contestants are required to fill up the registration forms along with a 2 x 2 ID photo and copy of birth certificate or any other proof of age (barangay clearance or baptismal certificate for example).

Contestants are required to prepare two songs: the contest piece in English with “summer” theme (spring, flowers in bloom, summer) and the supporting piece in English (any song). No two contestants can have the same contest pieces. The first to register their contest piece gets to sing their song of choice. Succeeding registrants with the same contest pieces have to sing another song. The contestant shall bring any accompanying musical instrument or minus-one recording in CD format. Musical instruments must not require electricity.

Criteria for judging included: Timing 20%; Tonal quality 20%; Diction 20%; Relevance to the theme 20%; Attire 10%; and Audience Impact 10%.

First Prize winner gets Php1,500 cash, certificate and gift pack; second prize winner gets Php 1,000 cash, certificate and gift pack; and third prize winner gets Php 500 cash, certificate and gift pack.

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