Proudly Filipino animation in "Dayo"

It’s not only the kids who would love the movie “Dayo: Sa Mundo ng Elementalia,” but the adults as well. We had the chance to watch “Dayo” during its premiere night last week at SM Megamall and we marveled at its simple story, the telling of which was made more special because of the level of animation that was executed in the film. It was truly amazing. “Dayo” is proof that Filipino animators are truly world-class.

It was obvious the producers spent a fortune in “Dayo” to come up with a good animated film that is comparable with the rest of the world. The special effects were really awesome. We highly recommend it, not only for children, but for adults as well. 

“Dayo” was rated A by the Cinema Evaluation Board and features the song “Lipad” as interpreted by Ms. Lea Salonga.

The voice of child actor Nash Aguas, on the other hand, was used for the central character of Bubuy in “Dayo,” which is one of the entries to this year’s Metro Manila Film Festival that opened in theaters nationwide last December 25, Christmas Day.

Nash said he didn’t have much difficulty in doing the voice acting since he didn’t have to change the tone of his voice.

Nevertheless, the child actor was very pleased in having been given the part. “I am excited since this is the first time I am doing something like this,” said Nash.

Nash, who loves the anime “Naruto” and the cartoon “Ben 10,” said that whenever he watches cartoons on TV, he often wonders who were voicing the characters. Now, he’s the one lending voice to the animated images seen onscreen.

While he didn’t have to audition just to get the part to dub the character Bubuy, Nash feels that, in a way, he can relate to the character he has lent his voice to.

“Both of us are afraid of ghosts, of the manananggal. And I am also makulit like him. But Bubuy doesn’t believe in himself, which is not me in real life. It was only when he got into the world of Elementalia that he found the courage and the belief in himself,” related Nash.

What it is with Dayo that should make it an interesting viewing fare for the kids and adults as well this holiday season?

“I wish they would watch Dayo since this is the first digital animated movie in Filipino. I hope they watch this because we worked hard on making this beautiful,” said the child actor who had won several acting awards in past film fests.

“Dayo: Sa Mundo ng Elementalia,” one of the official MMFF entries this 2008, is now showing in theaters nationwide.

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