Otaku Fest 2.0: And The Saga Continues...

It was a day of fun and fandom as people dressed up in their favorite Anime characters trooped to UP Cebu Grounds last December 13, 2008 for “Otaku Fest 2.0: The Saga Continues.”

The cute pokemon Pikachu was looking for Ash Ketchum. Sakura the Card Captor was busy fighting clow cards. The One Piece barkada strolled around UP. Code Geass gathered for a very important meeting. The Akatsuki Warriors looked so evil. Bleach was imitated by a real Japanese kid. Haruhi Suzumiya earned several fans and paparazzis.

Otaku Fest 2.0 proved to be another celebration of the love and geekdom over various stuffs, may it be anime, food or music. (Otaku is a Japanese term for homebody and although, colloquially, it is used to describe people who do not have lives out of their obsession to a subject or hobby—it has assumed a friendlier and more casual meaning outside Japan to refer to an established fan who knows much about anime and manga.)

UP Bagsik, the official batch organization of the current 4th year students in UP Cebu, prepared several activities like Costume Play (Cosplay) Competition, on-the-spot Poster Making Contest, Logo Making Competition, Digital Photography, Dance Competition and DOTA competition.

Event Head Camille Travilla stressed that “being an Otaku reaches far beyond loving Anime. It’s a state of emotion that no matter who you are, wherever you are, whatever your status and age is, you can be your favorite character. It’s cool to be an Otaku!”

Watch out for Otaku Fest: The Third Wave next year!

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