Christian defends Rachelle as controversy erupts after their split

Fans of singers Christian Bautista and Rachelle Ann Go were saddened and shocked by the break-up of the couple after more than a year of being together. But what was even more awful was the damaging blind items coming out of gossip columns that tend to put Rachelle in a bad light, casting aspersions on her person and pointing to her as the culprit that led to the break-up.

According to the writeups, Christian could no longer bear Rachelle’s alleged “bad behavior.” The female singer reportedly would make “taray” to Christian even in front of people. One item even said that Rachelle would get jealous of the attention that the balladeer would give to his friends.

Even before they left for their last US concert tour, the couple  already had problems with their relationship. So when they came back from their trip, it was then that they mutually decided to end their relationship. They both issued statements that they remain as friends and that there’s no third party involved in their break-up.

That’s why it’s really disturbing and unfair to Rachelle that certain blind items are coming out in the papers discrediting her—short of pointing an accusing finger at her as the culprit behind the split.

According to a source who requested anonymity, he seems inclined to point at Christian as the source of these damaging blind items. We don’t know his motivation for saying so and how he arrived at such a presumption, if not conclusion. But he pities Rachelle who has been maligned to the max.

“If they mutually agreed to part ways as friends, how come it’s only Rachelle who’s being maligned and is being subjected to negative writeups, as if she’s the only one at fault for the break-up? That is very much unfair to Rachelle,” said our source.

According to our source, Rachelle also cried buckets when she heard about the gossip. But she was advised by her parents to remain quiet.

We sought the reaction of Oliver Oliveros, the publicist of Christian and he said that even the famed balladeer is bothered by the negative publicity leveled at his former squeeze. Christian, Oliver said, is sad. We dared ask him if Christian has had a hand in the negative publicity that Rachelle is experiencing right now.

“None at masamang manira ng tao. Isa pa, kaibigan ko si Rachelle kaya walang katotohanan na may kinalaman si Christian sa mga blind items na iyan,” said Oliver. In fact, Christian even talked to him to unload his feelings with regards to the issue. The balladeer is unaware of the source of these negative writeups. “He doesn’t have the slightest idea where these blind items are coming from but they definitely did not come from him,” maintained Oliver.

The singer even sent a text message to a columnist to explain matters with regards to the issue and defend Rachelle against the negative talk.

Christian’s text message to the columnist read: I just want to clear na Rachelle is not capable of doing all the negative things that had been written about her. She’s a good person. It’s not true that she feels insecure whenever I am in the company of my friends. Plus she doesn’t malign me or discredit me in front of people. I just want to correct whatever misimpressions that the blind items may have caused. Please don’t give any color to our breakup.”

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