LINSAY LOHAN: Hats Off the bed

Lindsay Lohan may be one of Hollywood's most talked about young actresses but it doesn't stop her from being as in-demand as the tabloids that follow her every move. With her latest film "Just My Luck," Lindsay shares her thoughts on fate, fashion and fame.

Q: Was this film your chance to get to a broader audience?

A: Yeah. I mean, it's kind of like a coming of age thing for me, and everything that I'm doing after this, my characters are the same age if not older, and maturing, and I mean, you can only act as if you're in high school for so long. But it kind of was the perfect thing for me, because it's not too-it's not a dark film, so I can still keep the fan base that I've grown with. And it's a really lovely film and it's romantic comedy, and it's my first romantic comedy. It's a great film for me, it still has a good message, and I think that's important, and I still have a young audience to look out for, and this is acceptable for the younger audience, and for people that are older than me.

Q: Do you ever feel fame shelters you from the real world?

A: In general? Yeah. But not really. It depends on who you surround yourself with. If you surround yourself with people that are gonna treat you as they would if you didn't have your pictures everywhere, and I don't think-no. I have a really great family and great group of people, and I consider myself a pretty humble person. Fame is fame. What is fame?

Q: When you're doing stuff, do you know it's going to be funny while you're doing it?

A: Yeah, if I'm going to walk into a glass wall, I'd hope that people will laugh. But I also want to point out that when we did the scene when we were shooting all through the night, the washer dryer scene, which is my favorite, we had-I got a rash, remember? I just started breaking out in like hives all over from the soap.

Q: Did you have a double for any of the stunts?

A: We had, I did have a stunt double, but I ended up doing it. For the scene-everyone's afraid because I was wearing stilettos, that I would hurt myself, I ended up doing that, but in this particular scene when I'm in the bowling alley, and I'm cleaning the floor, they didn't want me to do it, because they were nervous, which they should be, but I actually ended up doing it.

Q: Are you superstitious?

A: No hats on the table. Hats on the bed and hats on the table. How come no one knows hats on the bed? I'm psychotic when it comes to hats on the bed. For some reason, everyone puts a hat on my bed, I'm like, it's the one thing, I need to put a sign up in my room. It's bad luck. I didn't make it up. I feel like, when I don't go by the superstitions, and if I leave a hat on the bed, it's all mental.

Q: How do you feel about tabloid stories? What is your life really like?

A: Apparently I just go out to clubs. With a sprained ankle and all. I spend as much time as I can with my friends, when I'm in the same place as them. And when I'm in New York it's great, because I'm really close with my sister.

Q: Who spreads the rumors about you?

A: If you can find out...I don't know. Drama sells. So people are gonna keep doing-if I've dated as many men as they say I have, then I'd be dead by now. Honestly, I would. It's just-but you come into this industry, and you want that, you want to be written about, to an extent, obviously, but you're putting yourself on a place where people are gonna put you on a pedestal, and sometimes they build you up to try to take you down, but that teaches you to work harder, and then it becomes what I love to do. You live and you learn.

Q: You can't be all these places they say you are.

A: I read that I'm in New York when I'm here, my mom was mad at me because she's like you're in New York, you're not coming home? I'm not in New York!

Q: Being with Meryl in 'Prairie,' did she give you advice? What was your relationship?

A: More of a friend relationship rather than maternal. And her daughters are there all the time, and one is my age, and one's older and one's younger, and they're really sweet. And the whole cast went to dinner every single night. So everyone really got close to each other, it was like a big family, just really amazing. Meryl and I were going-she was getting ready to do 'Devil Wears Prada' after that, so she was like, I don't know anything about fashion. And then I asked her to do W, after that.

Q: Do you have your own fashion sense, or do you have stylists?

A: You collaborate with people. It's always more interesting when you have other people's opinions.

Q: Do you have any favorite designers or brands?

A: A lot. Honestly a lot. I'm just thinking collections, because I've just been doing all fashion shoots. Yves St. Laurent's collection is something I really like. I like Chanel.

Q: Did you ever had a streak of bad luck like your character?

A: If I did, then I don't know about it. But everyone, you have to have-you have to go through highs and lows in life to kind of learn to appreciate things, just as Ashley Albright in the film. JUST MY LUCK opens July 26 in cinemas from 20th Century Fox to be distributed by Warner Bros.

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