Celebrating life and womanhood!

March, the month of women, has brought me to ponder on the inspiring life stories of women celebrities whose transformation had been significant and whose personal advocacies had brought them wonderful accomplishments and earned them accolades throughout the world. They have used this power to satisfy their love and compassion for society. These are two of today's most celebrated women who have come to mind
Oprah Winfreya role model for millions of women around the world. Her humble beginnings lead us to a farm in Mississippi who at the very young age of three learned to read the Bible. Oprah was born in 1954 to unmarried parents and moved from one home to another to be raised by three significant people in her life: her grandmother, her mother and by her father whom she confessed has raped her.

Lonely, traumatized and lost, Oprah still continued to pursue her dreams. Entering beauty contests and cancelled television programs were her trail to success until the age of 32 when the world started to pay close attention to a woman whose personal advocacy of improving lives and encouraging women to celebrate life has helped and inspired millions of people across nations.

As a television pioneer, producer, publisher, online leader, charity institution founder and director, she continues to use her genius and the power of media to satisfy her own thirst as a philanthropist and educator, thus making a difference in the lives of millions people everyday. One of the most striking and memorable of her shows that I witnessed was that of October in 2005. She pledged that she would do everything in her power to help take child molesters off the streets. She did this only in 48 hours after personally offering a $100,000.00 reward to anyone who would lead to the capture of the two fugitives on her Oprah's Child Predator Watch List. Once again, Oprah used her life's worst experiences for the good and admitted that the reward had been the best money she ever spent.

Oprah Winfrey's power does not come from being one of the richest women in the world, but it lies in her heart and connection with others that has remained unparalleled among all the celebrities we have come to know. She deserves and continues to be one of the world's most respected and admired public figures to date.
This woman's life has become a regular and favorite topic for my husband and I. She is certainly one of the most beautiful, appealing, mysterious and undeniably complicated personalities today Angelina Jolie Voight. If you base your opinion on her most perplexing admissions such her early ambition to be a funeral director, or her revelation as being bisexual and that she had serious emotional problems, one would come to think that she is too complicated to be admired. However, her humanitarian endeavors which began in 2001 had earned her laurels.

She is known to be very passionate and consistent in her duties as a Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations High Commission for Refugees and balances the demands of being one of the most popular film stars today. Her affiliation with several charity institutions and other humanitarian work draw not just attention from many but inspiration as well to live not only for oneself. The adoption of a Cambodian and Ethiopian child proved her profound love for children and shows her deep commitment to her life's mission.

Oprah and Angelinaextremely different personalities yet they share striking similarities. They both exude strength, grace and truth. Dedicated and committed to fulfill tasks to cast sunlight to many lives around them. Their imperfect lives had made them perfect for God's purpose. Fierce advocates for life, demanding respect and attention whilst fulfilling their unique calling with a deep recognition of their true selvesthat for me is real feminine power.
A Tribute To Women
On March 10, the concert "Love her, Kiss her" will be staged at the Capitol Social Hall at 7pm where songs pertaining to women, their joys, sorrows, struggles, dreams and aspiration will entertain and inspire many of those who will witness it. Tenor Boy Donato, realtor Brenda Apas-Vasandi and my dear friend columnist-broadcaster Sam Costanilla are the performers who will work hand-in-hand for the benefit of the Provincial Women's Commission. Tickets are reasonably priced at P250 each. You may contact Sam at 0906-9596888 or Marivic at 0920-9520601 for more details. See you at the concert!

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