Inspiration and motivation
In our last column we covered the difference between inspiration and motivation. And just to recap, inspiration drives us to aspire for what's ideal and positive while motivation drives us to meet our need for material, physical, emotional satisfaction which may not be necessarily positive or helpful at all times. More often we see people who are motivated to steal, kill or exploit at the cost of others in order to meet their ephemeral and carnal needs. While it is important to be motivated, but more importantly it is good to be motivated for the right reasons.
The lack of motivation or the bereft of it, on the other hand, has made a failure out of many. Angst, isolation, distrust and cynicism overwhelm their thoughts. They attribute their misery to the cruelty of the world around them as if they are an incurable part of human existence. People who are not motivated are apathetic, unfriendly, and unhappy. They often delight upon the failure and misfortune of others to affirm their views that the world is filled with nothing but its dark sides.
Most unfortunate is that people who are not motivated deprive themselves of their dreams much less make any effort of moving forward to achieve them. And I find it really unfortunate to think that way more so to be in that situation.
To be motivated is good. But motivation alone is not enough.
Motivation may be the fuel to enable us work to hard on getting our goals but inspiration is the wheel that puts motivation into its right perspective. Motivation is the fire in us but we have the tendency to misuse or abuse it (consciously and unconsciously) that's why we have to be inspired to see whether we are motivated for selfish or selfless reasons. For example, many corporations conduct outreach programs or relief operations as part of their social responsibility. But for some reason, they are motivated to give because they want to feign generosity or to enjoy tax holidays. Giving should be a sincere act of charity. Corporations should not just give because it is their social responsibility let alone give for tax reasons or to earn public admiration. They should give because they are inspired by how much it contributes to the upliftment of others or to the cause of social transformation.
As I have previously written, motivation and inspiration must come together in every endeavor in life. I have heard many great motivational speakers who stir people to work for their success. What is missing though in many of those motivation seminars that I have attended are the palpable lack of coverage on the sphere of inspiration. I believe that motivation can be meaningfully preached by not only uncovering the potential of people to succeed but to inspire them to discern that success is not just acquisition of possessions. Inspiration redefines the true meaning of success and that the motivation to succeed must come with it the gracious act to achieving it in decent and honest means.
To the Chinese, this year ushers great fortune for people who work hard to achieve their dreams. May this year be filled with good health and energy so we may work even harder to bring success in family, business and spiritual life.
Kung hei fat choi!
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