CIPC to formulate programs to promote BPO, IT growth

CEBU, Philippines - Responding to the recommendations released by Tholons for Cebu to maximize its potential in advancing growth in the Business Process Outsourcing and Information Technology (BPO-IT) sector, the Cebu Investments and Promotions Center (CIPC) will lead the implementation of programs in line with the experts’ advice.

CIPC managing director Joel Mari S. Yu announced that his office is currently drawing programs that will push the BPO-IT growth here, pushing the position of Cebu to higher level as the number 8 “Emerged BPO Destination” in the world.

This year, Yu said CIPC is working with the European Chamber of Commerce in the Philippines (ECCP), to promote Cebu in the United Kingdom as preferred outsourcing destination, thus attracting more British outsourcing companies to locate here.

The roadshow will be held in the middle of this year, said Yu.

Based on the Tholon’s recommendations, Cebu has to further improve and develop its talent supply, and maximize BPO segment and capabilities.

Cebu’s strength is recognized in the customer support and call center services, administration and back office; data processing and transcription.

Significantly, Cebu is seen to anchor its growth in the BPO-IT sector by strengthening its capabilities in the Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO), overtaking the leadership of India in this category.

Tholon’s survey found out that Cebu has strong capability to develop the KPO segment and capabilities, such as in research and development (R&D), financial and insurance research, paralegal content, medical content, biotech and pharmaceuticals.

The Tholon’s roadmap for Cebu IT and BPO sectors is now being implemented by CIPC, together with industry stakeholders, as well as support from the Local Government Unit (LGU).

One of the priorities, according to Yu, is to develop new markets for IT-BPO, and KPO segments.

Earlier, in an interview with Tholons president for Asia Pacific B. Paul Santos, he said that Cebu should act immediately on further improving infrastructure designed for BPO investors, with careful attention on managing the cost of doing business, and be on its toes to manage the manpower supply problem.

Although, the scarcity of BPO manpower is not unique only for Cebu, but it’s a nationwide issue, he said Cebu should continue to be ahead in solving this problem.

In general, he said the business environment in Cebu is already much conducive and attractive to BPO investors, however more work to be done in order to improve its ranking.

One of Santos’ recommendations also is for Cebu to specify its “real” niche in the BPO sector, while everybody is into attracting same investors to their provinces and cities.

On the other hand, Tholon’s consultant Jonathan   De Luzuriaga urged players to sustain collaborative efforts, as well as implement strong “management expectation” program.

Now, that Cebu’s position as one of the top 10 “Emerged BPO Destinations” is threatened by the obvious lack of quality manpower needed by industry players, De Luzuriaga said the local government unit, and the stakeholders, including the support sectors such as academe, should strongly join hands together to pull up Cebu’s position into higher ranking in couple of years. — Ehda M. Dagooc

While there is a growing number of outsourcing firms around world, also looking at Cebu, as their expansion site, the problem of manpower supply should be addressed first immediately, while existing BPO companies here are expressing their difficulties to get more manpower here, this could discourage potential investors. — (FREEMAN)

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