Software developer opens own firm in Cebu

CEBU, Philippines - Buoyed by the rising demand for affordable and custom-fit technology solutions and the impressive pool of skilled software developers in Cebu, a successful Filipino software developer abroad has decided to start his business here.

Joel Tomines Requioma established his onePeople Inc. software development company in Cebu after a successful career in software development especially in HR (Human Resource) in different countries.

onePeople Inc. offers an effective, modular, fully-integrated and browser-based Human Capital Management Solution (HCMS).

Despite the existence of varied products in technology solutions, particular in HR, Requioma said locally-developed, yet internationally at par products could still compete, as companies are still looking for cost-efficient solutions.

Requioma was the Chief Technology Officer and executive director of Orisoft Technology Berhad in Malaysia. He created the company’s sofware package to offer world-class Human Resource Management System (HRMS) and services.

After designing the entire product and penetrating strategic countries in the region, Orisoft has managed to get in the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange MESDAQ (Technology) counter in 2003 as the first public-listed-single-product HR software company.

The Malaysian publicly-listed company was later bought by Exact Netherlands in 2009, a Dutch Enterprise Resource Planning software company with a wider and more extensive service and customer-base in the world.

Despite his success, Requioma came home to the Philippines and started his own company, not only to take advantage of the good software developers here that he can hone to become internationally successful, but also to help companies in the country (and the rest of Asia Pacific) to maximize technology in cost-effective way.

To motivate the talent pool especially the fresh graduates, Requioma said he is planning to offer stake to the developers in order to compete with the attractive offers by multinational companies ((MNCs) and employment abroad.

Because the company offers varied technology solution products and services, he said onePeople Inc. is also open to partner with other vendors, if localize programs and solutions will be needed.

Anticipating the heavy usage of cloud computing among corporations, including the Small and Medium Enteprises (SMEs) in the next few years, Requioma has introduced the onePeople Cloud program, a monthly subscription, per-headcount paid service that is accessible through “the cloud” or via the Internet.

“I am giving more emphasis on the Cloud offering to target the SMEs of Visayas and Mindanao, particularly Cebu. This offering is much cheaper and quickly deployable,” he said in a press conference.

With deep commitment to help develop the huge potential of Cebu becoming the next “Silicon Valley”, Requioma said this bid is easily possible if given the support from the government.

He believes that Filipinos can create and commercialize a world-class technology because the latest technology infrastructure is easily reachable, and the market is not limited by geographical boundaries. Everybody can now offer their expertise globally.

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