Cebu: Tourism-100%, terrorism-0%

About two decades ago, amid the entire country's political and economic turmoil and feeling of hopelessness, former Cebu Governor Lito Osmeña sold Cebu to the world as an island in the pacific. Undeniably, as history constantly reminded us, it worked.

Likewise, today, the country is again trapped in another economic and political quagmire. Aggravated by a spate of kidnappings, election-related carnage and botched rescue attempt of hostages, the entire nation constantly is on top of the world's media outfits' international headlines, well, for reasons that are so unpalatable. 

Unfortunately, at the mere mention of the Maguindanao massacre or Abu Sayyaf kidnappings, potential investors and tourists (our possible market) pack their bags and are finding their ways to destinations other than the Philippines. To our dismay, Cebu is included in such sweeping impression. 

Recently, the tourism industry is again on the receiving end of unfavorable travel advisories from six globally influential countries. Sadly, the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and France, issued travel warnings to their citizens about impending terror attacks in the country, particularly, in Metro Manila. 

This image-damaging travel advisory elicited several reactions from the honestly-concerned sectors, the politically-biased critics and the downright opportunists. As usual, in trying to fend-off a potential backlash in the tourism industry, the Philippine National Police (PNP) and the country's intelligence community immediately set aside the travel warnings as nothing more than just an unmindful exaggeration. A catholic bishop in Mindanao, on the other hand, seemingly validated the threat by supporting the travel advisory. Probably, he is so used to his immediate environment that he felt that all these years Mindanao's situation is obtaining in the entire Philippine archipelago. Likewise, critics (who are apparently with hidden agenda) simply put it as a leverage used by the United States to gain advantage in the review of the Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA). As if, it is so big an issue that the USA needed the help of five other influential countries to put pressure on the country's negotiators.  

However, whether the threat is real or not, let's leave that to the authorities to determine. What is certain, however, is the fact that such travel advisory shall negatively affect the country's tourism industry.

Due to this predicament, Cebu should not just sit on its pants. Devoid of insinuations of disowning the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) and Metro Manila, promoters of Cebu should probably consider former Gov. Lito's way of selling the island once again, as an Island in the Pacific. 

Truth to tell, geographically, Cebu is indeed an Island in the Pacific. Relatively peaceful, it is several miles away from the distant and war-torn Southern Mindanao and terror-threatened Metro Manila. Entirely different, Cebu's politically mature electorate, are living witnesses of unceasing wars of words and performances, not of guns and ammunitions. 

Due to Cebu's size, security cordons can be put up with ease. More importantly, coordination with the community and the police and intelligence network has been proven effective in the past. The successful raid by the NBI-led team in the Municipality of Compostela of Metro Manila's dreaded robbery gang was a clear manifestation that Cebu can handle situations of this sort.

Apart from this distinct advantage, Cebu is also at par with the best in the world on areas of prime importance like: (a) entertainment, recreation, and culture, (b) cost of living, (c) climate, (d) special benefits, (e) infrastructure and real estate, and (f) health care.

On entertainment, recreation, and culture, Cebu isn't lagging behind. Though, lacking in theme or amusement parks like those of the wealthy and more advanced countries, Cebu compensates this with better sites like the centuries-old Sto. Niño Church, Fort San Pedro and many other historical sites that have been preserved for centuries. On top of these significant sites, Cebu prides itself of its pristine beaches and the serenity of its surrounding islands.

On cost of living, obviously, there is no other major city in the country or other cities in the world that offer the best at reasonable prices. Frankly, it has everything Manila and other world major cities offer (of the same standard) at a relatively lower cost. In fact, to foreigners who may wish to find a second home, Cebu can be the best sanctuary for them. The truth is, while in other countries/cities, a couple comfortably reside with a monthly budget of US$1,500.00, a couple can live in Cebu in royalty with US$1,000.00.

On climate, Cebu is blessed with temperate weather throughout the year, moderate rain fall, and little risk of natural disaster. Since typhoon Ruping's wrath on November 13, 1991, there are no more major calamities that struck Cebu. Unlike other places in the country, Cebu was always spared of catastrophes and ruins.

On special benefits, foreigners who will decide to reside in Cebu will soon find it considerably easy to move to and live in. Perks like, duty-free imports on personal belongings, are also given. On plane fares, the country's airlines are already offering discounts we've never experienced before. Therefore, hopping from one island to another is never a concern. 

On the other hand, while ownership of real properties, like land, remains a problem, they can always enjoy the comforts of horizontal condominiums which real estate developers can willingly build if demands exist.

On infrastructure, potential permanent residents will be assured of availability of cars and telephones, airports, and the adequacy of telecommunications. Though water and power supply is an issue, major utility providers are now in their respective drawing boards for self sufficiency concerns. 

On health care, most foreigners consider the cost of a typical visit to a general practitioner and the cost and coverage particulars of health insurance. Foreigners/Retirees who are now living comfortably in other major cities in the world consider US$30 or about PhP1,500.00 per visit to a doctor very reasonable. Here in Cebu, our doctors' consultation fees will definitely be competitive. Notably, our doctors' professional capabilities are above par. More importantly, one of Cebu's hospitals is internationally accredited.

Cebu, a melting pot in Central Philippines, truly exhibits an island that has everything. An island where industrialization sprung (for investors) in one side and pleasure infinitely abounds (for tourists) in the other. Truly and undisputedly, a paradise island in the pacific. 

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