MS Office 2010 to empower enterprise, consumer markets

CEBU, Philippines - The introduction of the new Microsoft Office 2010 is seen to empower both enterprise and consumer markets in maximizing the cloud computing technology.

Microsoft Philippines officials, led by its managing director John Bassey, was in Cebu Thursday to formally introduce the Office 2010 and SharePOint 2010, as well as Microsoft Visio 2010 and Microsoft Project 2010, to bring about increased productivity tools specifically for the enterprise market, as the world landscape has becoming too competitive.

With the 2010 set of products lined by the Bill Gates-owned company, Bassey said Filipino businesses, along with over 90 million companies worldwide can expect to see significant productivity gains and greater return of their software investments.

Initially, the company has introduced these top-of-the-line software products of Microsoft to the enterprise market in Cebu. Soon, formal introduction for consumer market will be held here.

These new products offered by the company, Bassey said will let enterprise maximize the cloud computing technology, wherein doing actual business in the cloud is now the newest worldwide trend.

Cloud computing is Internet-based computing, whereby shared resources, software and information are provided to computers and other devices on demand.

It is a paradigm-shift following the shift from mainframe to client-server that preceded it in the early 1980s. Details are abstracted from the users who no longer have need of expertise in, or control over the technology infrastructure “in the cloud” that supports them.

“Today, people have new and different working styles and Microsoft Office 2010 offers them greater flexibility by enabling them to accomplish varied tasks across their PCs, browsers and mobile phones,” said Bassey.

“Through Office 2010 and SharePOint 2010, users will be able to maximize their time and increase their productivity at work,” he added.

According to Bassey, in Cebu, aside from the significant growth of client based in the BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) sector, Microsoft is considering manufacturing and export sectors are growth area for Microsoft products.

Employing the Business Intelligence series of Microsoft solutions, exporters and manufacturing companies are seen to compete well in the world market amid the tough competition battle.

Cebu has become an important growth area for Microsoft, Bassey said because of its dynamic economy, and technology-savvy market.

Office 2010 and related products bring a familiar productivity experience across the PC, phone and browser which deliver new capabilities to help people—connect and collaborate; Work virtually anywhere; help bring ideas to life; Quickly access data to make real-time decisions.

“Even if people are out of the office, they can still work at home, off site, while they are on the go or don’t have PC with them. The new features of Microsoft 2010 ensure that people have access to their documents across the range of platforms,” said Femeee Cruz, Microsoft Philippines—Information Worker Product manager.

“Our signature productivity technologies are also available in the cloud, providing our customers choice and flexibility when it comes to purchasing and deploying solutions,” she added.

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