Davide vows to support Cebu-wide ecozone bid

CEBU, Philippines - Cebu gubernatorial aspirant Hilario “Junjun” Davide III vowed to support the private sector-led Cebu Economic Development Zone (CEDZ) proposal, although he admitted that he is not familiar with the details of the proposal.

House Bill No. 1319 otherwise known as CEDZ, is already at the Senate level, however, the proponent the Cebu Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCCI), decided to re-file the bill in the next congress to avoid glitches.

Davide, who was the first local candidate invited to a roundtable discussion initiated by The Freeman, said that converting the whole province as an economic zone is a brilliant idea and he promised to give his full support to the proposal if ever he wins in the election as the next Cebu Provincial Governor.

However, Davide said he still has to examine the details of the bill, but lauded the private sector for pushing such a noble initiative.

The CEDZ is envisioned to be a paradigm of an effective and functioning Public-Private Sector Partnership with the private sector taking the lead and government providing infrastructure and institutional support and contributing part of the needed resources.

The bill is authored by all of the eight congressmen from Cebu and is jointly supported by local business groups including international funding institutions, like the German Technical Cooperation (GTZ).

The bill, which was supposedly examined by the Senate early this year, has been delayed due to the upcoming election on May, prompting CCCI to decide on re-filing the Bill in the next Congress hoping for smoother passage into law.

CCCI president Sam Chioson said the chamber, which is the major proponent of the bill would not mind if they have to start all over again to push the province-wide ecozone bill, than insisting to have it passed given the limited time.

Chioson said CCCI believes that it is easier to have the bill re-filed after the May 2010 election, while some amendments will be done in coordination with the new set of Congressmen.

Although other provinces in the Philippines have also made their own province-wide ecozone bid for their respective areas, Cebu’s proposal will always have its edge for pioneering such concept, project Anastacio Muntuerto Jr., said.

“We always tell them that we don’t surrender. We have to fight for this,” said Muntuerto.

According to Chioson the Chamber will once again ask the support from the new set of Cebuano Congressmen after the election, in order to continue with the fight.

Meanwhile, Davide also emphasized his plan to push for the full development of tourism in the local government units (LGUs), saying he will support funding for tourism-related infrastructure projects of LGUs, while giving them autonomy on what tourism product of service each LGU shall push in their respective towns.

The funding shall be sourced from the Annual Investment Plan of the province, and LGUs should propose feasible tourism related projects to get fiscal support from the Provincial government.   

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