It's Sinulog time!

The drums had been filling the air since mid-2009 throughout the hills of Beverly, where I live. As early as then, I was made aware of the preparations of the various contingents or of the accompanying musicians, by themselves. I know that these drummers set a high price to accompany contingents far and near. Drum beats were breaking the silence in my home at all hours of the day till sunset. But it’s alright. It’s Sinulog time!

Everyone is taking Sinulog participation seriously. Some groups are not after the prize money. They want the honor of being champions in the category that they are participating. Even the on site decorations seem better this year. The city has taken on a sparkle and a look that reflect glorious celebration.

Church activities started officially when the Sto. Nino novena commenced and traffic really started to get worse in the areas leading to the Basilica Minore. Pilgrim Center notwithstanding, the throngs of devotees who flock to the Sto. Nino shrine are still beyond comfortable containment. People of faith from all over – local and international – keep coming back at this time to Cebu for the feast of the Holy Child.

Long before the selling of Sinulog as a tourism event, the faithful had been coming in big numbers for the novena, for the changing of the robes and the “hubo” ceremony or the disrobement after the fiesta. They had long slept on the “aseras” or sidewalks while they tried to fulfill their “panaad” to the Holy Child for a prayer granted or one still to be heard. It is just more orderly now, more fun, but the religious aspect – the reason and core – of Sinulog has been set aside, no matter how the organizers try to be visible in church activities.

This is after all a very material world with money-oriented objectives by the major league players. Profiting financially from what is packaged as a religious undertaking is justified by all sectors involved. Then again, there is nothing wrong with moneymaking ventures as human survival hinges on income. This is a fact we have to admit. What becomes wrong is when these ventures are disguised as something else.

Enough said. Now, to the Sinulog celebrations we go. There are several. Some are spin-offs to take advantage of the presence of balikbayans. The Suroy-suroy Sugbo Southern Heritage will take place on January 20 – 22. I booked my auntie (Mommy Meng), Mrs. Carmen Gogo-Angbetic, and her sister (Tita Paring), Mrs. Amparo Gogo-Dubouzet who will join a 32-member balikbayan group. I am sure the participants will be in for a grand time as, per my experience, the southern tour is the best of all.

Another annual spin-off is the Jam Session sa Cebu on January 22, again in the big hall of the Grand Convention Center of Cebu, with the famous Renaissance Band, Centerfold Band and the Firelights will provide non-stop dance music for the ballroom dancers that night. I understand that dance instructors are fully booked as tables are reserved by the dance enthusiasts. It looks like a really fun night for ticket holders. This will be with dinner. (For ticket inquiries, contact Annie Neri tel.# 232-2386)

Last Tuesday, Miss Cebu 2010 was crowned in the ballroom of Waterfront Cebu City Hotel; while last night, Dr. Dodong Gullas’ HALAD took place in the same venue. Honorees were Canada-based Maestro Mil Villareal who is in town to receive his award, the late Siux Cabase, the late Maestro Maning Villareal, the late Harana King of Cebu Stacs Huguete, Maestro Mahnee & Sheila Cabase, Oscar Pagas, Metring Ylaya and Fr. Jed Bellones – all Cebuano musical greats! Of course, Asia’s Queen of Songs Pilita Corales wowed the appreciative audience, along with the equally famous Dulce and Raki Vega.

For the literary-inclined, there is the forum at the Cebu Normal University Conference Hall, entitled “The Writer’s Presence.” Featured lecturer will be U.S.-based Cebuana novelist, the multi-awarded Cecilia Maguerra-Brainard. Interested parties may contact Dr. Corazon Prejoles at tel.# 253-0347.

Cebu is a-perking with several interesting events in time for Sinulog, which makes us realize that the best place to be is in Cebu…at Sinulog time.

Pit Senyor! – THE FREEMAN

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