Baker prefers homemade branding for Sweet Stuff

CEBU, Philippines - Despite the promising business prospects for commercial pastries, cakes and other sweet products, a young-Cebuano entrepreneur prefers to focus on “home-made” branding of her products to make a difference.

Jill Christie Uy, established her “Sweet Stuff” two years ago, making cakes, cookies, pastries, and other sweet foods initially for family friends, out of her passion for baking.

This 28-year-old lady entrepreneur sees a good business prospects in this kind of business, although the market is already flooded with different varieties of sweet products.

Uy, who used to work with an international banking institution in Cebu, purposely resigned from her job, to pursue her “Sweet Stuff” business, now attracting growing number of customers around the country.

“There is always a market for these kinds of products. One cannot forego eating, [especially sweet foods],” she said.

Although, there is a strong temptation to open up a stand-alone store to strengthen her brand promotion, Uy said she is determined to still promote her products as “home-made” to stay competitive, and sustain the affordability.

Uy, who recently graduated from Institute of Culinary Education (Peter Kumps School) in the United States, said that it is better to use her kitchen in the house, to save cost, and offer consumer pocket-friendly products.

“I’d would like to maintain ‘home-ness’ taste in my products. Although, now that Christmas is coming orders from all over the country are coming in,” she said.

Because of the strong patronage of her home-made products, Uy is now linking with partners in Davao, Manila.

The home-based business, which was born out of passion to bake, and “play around with chocolates”, is now making a hit not only in the local affluent market segment, but also in other areas in the Philippines.

By December, Uy said “Sweet Stuff” is expecting to deliver at least 1,000 boxes or mixed pastries, cookies, and cakes to customers around the country.

Uy, whose family is into ice manufacturing, has pursued her passion in baking and successfully hit the sophisticated market in the country, sustaining “Sweet Stuff” edge as “home-made” product.

She said what is important is “you enjoy what you are doing, not just for money.” In this way, business or profit will come as second priority in venturing a business which passion is the ultimate driver.

This early, Uy’s “Sweet Stuff” brand is slowly becoming favorite “pasalubong” items from Cebu, especially to those out-of-towners who have tried her products.

While promoting her “Sweet Stuff” brand as home-made food products, Uy also hopes to supply big restaurants, coffee shops with her products, not necessarily bringing the established “Sweet Stuff” brand.

Sweet Stuff’s popular products include; Ice Cream Roll, Chocolate Lace Cookies, Fudgie Brownies, GingerSnaps, Spiced Oatmeal Cookies, Walnut Brownies, and Fruit Cake Cookies.

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