Green Thoughts

Going organic should be more than a fad. It should be a way of life! 

Because of the many chemical properties that are placed in processed food and medical treatments, plus the hazardous wastes absorbed through the inhalation of polluted substances in the air, the body’s immune system is constantly challenged.

Eating the right foods is no longer enough. Eating safe foods is better; food that is grown and processed in safe conditions. Sadly, when these food are packaged well and stamped “organic” it entails with it a premium cost which become unaffordable to the regular consumer.

Home gardens can be made organic gardens if no synthetic chemical substances are applied to nourish the soil and foliage. Our Chinese Kangkong patch (note I mentioned this variety because the variety which is planted in the wetlands which normally has larger nodes also absorb the bacteria and parasites that thrive in the waters) is an example of a simple homegrown product. Our camote vine source where we get a good dose of iron. Our own potted calamansi plants. Vines of gourds that can be your decorative trellis plant and a food source as well.

When our vegetables are homegrown we can control the inputs to these plants and we can be sure of its natural growth process which is good for the body.

Malungay which is a good toxin absorbent is the core ingredient of the moringa tablets that are now being circulated as vitamin source and immunity boosters. Malungay however have to be planted far from the roadsides as its absorptive capacity collects the toxins of the traffic residue that wafts in the air. I was advised that the best malungay to cook would be the new leaves as it still has not absorbed the toxic elements of the environment and has a high potential to absorb those in the body.

Dr. Corazon Villaver a medical doctor who has specialized in natural medicine has reported that when she was prescribing the regular drugs for her patients who were afflicted with cancer, the success rate of their treatment was only 20%. With organic based medicines the patient is given an 80% chance which is considerably high as the immune system is boosted instead of shaken.

A lot of information on food sources for immunity boosters have shown us that some of the best chemotherapies can be done naturally. The most recent discovery is the guyabano or soursop which in Brazil was found out to be a very potent immunity strengthener.

There are many other possible sources of antioxidants that are found in organically grown and processed food. More can be learned from the Organic Forum which will be held on Friday, August 21 at the Cebu International Convention Center (CICC) at 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.. The four main topics are : the Outlook of the Philippine Organic Industry; Trends and Benefits in Organic Farming; Potential Requirements of Buyers of Hotels, Restaurants an Supermarkets; and Techno-trends in Organic Farming. The forum is coupled with a three-day Organic Market Fair at the parking lot of CICC which starts on August 21 to 23. For business this would be an opportunity to find more partners and markets for this needed enterprise. This is part of the Mandaue Chamber of Commerce and Industry Business Month. The forum has a registration fee of P750 which includes lunch two snack and a conference kit.

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