Surprise, Surprise

What do you know about Microtel Hotel? Many of us already have a perception that it is a very good budget hotel. A perception reinforced by many satisfied business travelers. This perception is fuelled by Microtel’s ability to be consistent. Proof of this consistency is evidenced by their winning the J.D. Power and Associates award for the “Highest in guest satisfaction among economy/budget hotel chains” seven years in a row. Another industry pundit D.K. Shifflet & Associates ranked Microtel Inns & Suites #1 in the Budget and Economy segments in its annual rankings.

So it is a given fact that Microtel Hotel is very consistent and predictable in delivering value for money, something that its frequent guests come to appreciate and look forward to. But why do many people and guests end up being surprised by Microtel Mactan.

It’s true, I often get that reaction. Surprised! I also used to wonder why until I sat down and thought about it. Microtel Mactan is really unlike any Microtel Hotel I have ever seen or heard of. The easiest difference to spot is the size, it is the biggest of the whole chain, a whopping 161 rooms. But its not the size that surprises, after all, this is still not what you would call a large hotel. But it’s the details that are very different.

The lobby alone is definitely not what you would expect from a Microtel Hotel. It features an airy Ibiza feel, accessorized by designer furniture made by Cebu’s pride Kenneth Cobonpue. The colorful open air lobby opens out into an infinity pool that brings in the fresh tropical breeze and a glorious view of the Mactan waters. You definitely know that you are on vacation the moment you step into it.

The Asian fusion restaurant is another standout attraction as it is run by the ultra exclusive Abaca and its famous celebrity chef Jason Hyatt. The beachfront leaps out at you like a framed postcard, inviting and refreshing. I think the best place for me is dining at the gazebo by the beach. Imagine hearing the waves, having a fantastic dinner, enjoying great company.

Microtel Mactan really does not make you feel like you are in a budget/economy hotel. It has a completely different quality.

I was recently reading a column of innovation guru Seth Godin wherein he talks about quality. He wrote that there are two kinds of quality. He describes the first one as "meeting specifications." He adds, “An item has quality if it's built the way it was designed to be built.” But he goes on to describe the second kind, framed in a question, “This is the quality of, "is it worth doing?". The quality of specialness and humanity, of passion and remarkability.”

He explains that the first is very easy to do, you just have to follow the specifications. But the latter is very difficult. Difficult because if it does not work, the consequences soon become disastrous. But when it does work, it becomes very very special. That for me is Microtel Mactan. There is something not only very special about it but also very Grand. The owners of this boutique resort hotel went out of their way to innovate a proven concept in order to give Cebu something that we can be very proud of.

I think we need to support businessmen who have a bold vision and are willing to go out of their way to innovate and risk, in order to give us something special. The Benedicto family, owners of the hotel, have consistently done that not only in this hotel venture but in many of their businesses.

“We want to defy expectations,” Mylene Benedicto said proudly, “With Microtel Mactan, we want to help strengthen Cebu, and Mactan specifically, as a tourist hub. We want to show everyone that we have world-class facilities here. We truly can compete with the rest of Asia.” It is a vision that Cebu needs to support and encourage. The best part is that Microtel is currently offering a fantastic deal for locals at Php 2500 net or Php 2900 with breakfast, removing any excuse not to get surprised.

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