Construction retail shop enjoys brisk sales growth

CEBU, Philippines - Due to the strong improvements in Cebu’s business process outsourcing industry (BPO), constant deployment of our overseas Filipino workers abroad as well as the growing tourism sector, resiliency is still felt by players from Cebu’s construction sector.

With over 50 years of experience in the country’s construction industry Cebu Oversea Hardware Co., Inc.; the mother company of construction retail shop Cebu Home and Builders Centre continue to be optimistic in their business operations despite the economic downturn.

Cebu Home and Builders Centre chief executive officer (CEO) Michael C. Co said that the “surprising resiliency” in the country’s construction industry is reflected by their growing sales performance.

He said that amidst the economic crisis that is being attributed to the shrinking disposable income of the market, their stores continue to reap positive sales.

“Even with the slight bumps and humps along the way because of the global recession, business is still generally fine for us and sales have been maintained. Surprisingly, the construction industry continues to be healthy so far and we can say that it remains quite steadfast,” said Co.

“There has been continuous sales and growth although not tremendous but there were no sudden slowdown as well and the long awaited slump has not yet happened,” Co added.

He said that these positive developments could be attributed mainly to the three pillars of economic growth which include the BPO sector, OFW remittances and the burgeoning tourism industry that sustains the construction sector at these critical points.

He said that the banking sector could also be credited to this positive outlook because their programs are gearing towards supporting housing loans which assisted the sustainability of the construction and housing sectors.

However Co said that in the second half of the year there could be declines judging on the effect from the figure of the past two months of April and May which recorded a slight slowing down in the economic figures.

“But if the three pillars can continue to offset the possible downturn in the second half of this year, we will be quite fine and compared to other countries experiencing recession we are still better,” said Co.

He said that although they still do not have immediate expansion plans for Cebu Home and Builders, they still consider expanding whenever there is an opportunity.

Co said that is opportunities for expansions will come; they are looking at the possibility of opening stores that will cater to the needs of the markets in the Southern and Northern parts of the province.

“There is no benchmark as to how and when are we going to expand because as of the moment, we will be sustaining our current growth and will constantly improve on our services and continue to bring the right products to the market,” said Co.

Just recently, the company signed an exclusivity agreement for the distributorship of White Horse Ceramic Tiles in the Philippine market.

Co said that their partnership with White Horse is one of their ways to provide better products to the market.

Aside from Cebu Home and Builders Centre, Cebu Oversea Hardware Co., Inc. also owns and operates other furnishing and finishing stores like Expo Tiles, Bath and Home Improvement Center which recently opened in Parkmall, Living ‘N Style, The Home Depot and Better Living Tile and Bath Center with branches in Luzon.

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