The good and the bad drivers

There are still many drivers who seriously follow all traffic signs no matter what they see around them and we hope this tribe continues to increase.

We received this email from one of our readers and he cites some examples of drivers, who are doing the opposite of what the good drivers are doing and we hope something can be done about them.

This is the email from Jesson Morata, a regular correspondent:

I was driving around the metropolis the past days. I noticed that while a lot of responsible motorists have been very conscious on road safety and compliant on road regulations, still, there are a few drivers who doesn’t seem to bother to oblige with simple traffic signs and just ignore them, endangering lives and properties.

Last June 22 at around 10 in the morning, a taxi unit with plate number GXH- 890 made a U-turn at the General Maxilom Avenue extension and J. de Veyra St. intersection ,near the old White Gold building. Because of the absence of traffic personnel in the area, the taxi driver just went on ignoring the NO U-TURN symbol.

On June 26, another taxi unit, with plate number GXE-791 made the same infraction, this time at the intersection of Juan Luna Avenue Extension and J. de Veyra St. at around 11 in the morning. The driver just did not pay attention to the NO U-TURN sign put up in the middle of the center island.

We do not expect traffic enforcers to be at every nooks and corners of the thoroughfares in the metropolis 24/7 to keep traffic in order. That’s the reason why we put up traffic lights and signs, especially in busy streets. But with some drivers just ignoring them because of the absence of authorities, it’s better not to put them at our roads because it seems ineffective anyway.

While we are always at our toes adhering to traffic rules and regulations, there are still some of drivers out there, who just totally take no notice of road signs means to provide safety to drivers and commuters alike.

When will we ever learn.

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Maybe Jesson can also try doing what we often do, call the numbers listed behind these taxicabs to complain.

Last Saturday night we called the number behind a taxi, whose driver disregarded the red light at corner R. Landon and Osmeña Blvd.

The first person who answered said that the unit was not theirs anymore but gave us the number of the new operator. The person who answered the phone at the number given to us thanked us for informing them about the infraction of the driver, which could cause them a lot of headaches if an accident happened.

We, however, would like to ask the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) to make sure that the phone numbers printed on the rear of taxi cabs are updated.

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