Beauty pageant stalls traffic

If you are among those who passed Basak-Pardo, Cebu City late Sunday night, you must have been caught in that traffic jam caused by the nightly entertainment in relation to their fiesta celebration.

It was very slow that night, because drivers could not probably help but ogle at the women or were they just girls in bikinis on the stage.

We are not a moralist condemning the “commodization” of women, just a citizen hoping that organizers of fiesta celebrations would look at the safety of the people as their primary concern.

Putting so many people on the highway late at night is downright stupid (we apologize for the strong language, but there’s no way to find a better word).

We hope that the fiesta organizers would soon wake up and find somewhere else to hold their shows and not on the stage beside the highway where the audience is put at a great risk of being hit by passing vehicles.

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The CITOM continues to ignore the traffic caused by jeepney drivers who have used the area in front of Asilo de la Milagrosa along Gorordo Ave. and that corner where a bakeshop is on the other side of the intersection with Arch. Reyes Ave.

The drivers don’t seem to fear anyone and obviously this is another proof that CITOM is not doing its job properly.

Yes, the CITOM doesn’t have too many people to spare, but there seem to be several of them working late at night to tow all illegally parked vehicles, but what about during the waking hours when people want the traffic laws implemented?

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A motorist complained that the construction project at Wilson St. (the road leading to Camp Lapu-Lapu) is causing traffic.

Upon closer scrutiny the construction work may be the main reason, but what is making the situation bad is the presence of vehicles that are parked on the side of the road that has been narrowed.

Nobody seems to bother calling the attention of the drivers, who park on the area.  Jeepney drivers (yes, them again) also don’t care about other vehicles and just stop where ever they please.

You can’t see a shadow of a traffic law enforcer in the place.  Where are you guys?

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With the prices of fuel again having gone up, many motorists are worried that time will come when filling the tank up would mean having to apply for a bank loan just to do so.

The rise in fuel prices plus the lack of traffic management contribute to our fuel woes.  This is one reason why we complain when traffic is bad aside from the fact that it ruins our schedules and keep us on the road longer than necessary.

We hope our authorities would start doing something and not just keep on talking.

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