Cebu’s micro-entrepreneurs call for financial assistance

Confident about the movement of the economy, the micro-small and medium entrepreneurs (MSMEs) in Cebu aired out the sector’s need for more financial support from the government.

Based on a survey result conducted by the Partnership and Advocacy for Trade and Competitiveness (PACT) for its Micro-Small and Medium Enterprise Indicator System (MSMEIS) database, the MSMEs respondents in Cebu called for the government’s help in terms of financing facilities.

The pilot test conducted a random survey from companies in Cebu, 37.5 percent of the respondents were from the manufacturing sector, the rest of the respondents are those with businesses in wholesale and retail, transport/storage and communications, real estate, among others.

The survey result presentation was conducted yesterday during the Cebu Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCCI) general membership meeting held at the Grand Convention Center by Marissa C. Garcia, deputy executive director of the DLSU-Angelo King.

MSME players believe that in order for them to exploit the dynamic market urgently, the government must provide effective programs of support, like financial help.

Majority of the respondents expressed their strong economic outlook in the next 12 years, despite increases in prices of basic commodities.

Owners of small businesses recognized the support provided by the different business organizations and industry groups through effective and reflective policy advocacies.

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