Regional DA offices told to revitalize agri-trainings

Regional Offices of the Department of Agriculture are instructed to revitalize agricultural training programs after finding out that most of the farmers are still using old methods of farming.

DA regional director Eduardo Lecciones said all Regional Field Units received an instruction from DA secretary Domingo Panganiban to use the basic package of technologies in agriculture to increase productivity.

This after Panganiban find out for himself that many farmers are still using old methods in growing rice, corn and other crops.

Panganiban ordered them that there should be more support for public and private farmers' organizations to revise farming techniques in the field level.

He also urged them to integrate communication network to hasten the flow of information in their respective regions giving access to farmers all information related to agricultural programs.

Panganiban ordered them that there should be clear and accurate reporting on specific goals such as categorizing them as GOAL 1 and 2.

The agricultural sector is one of the main thrust of the government in the economic sector.

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