More European buyers expected at Cebu X

The upcoming Cebu International Furniture and Furnishing Exhibition (Cebu X) slated from February 26 to March 1 at the Waterfront Cebu City Hotel and Casino, is expecting more buyers from European countries, after the organizers put efforts on heavy promotions in the region for the CebuX 2006.

"We went to Milan, in Italy, Paris and other countries in Europe to promote CebuX 2006 and give these markets a glimpse of Cebu-made furniture," said Michael Basubas, CebuX 2006 chairman for promotions.

The organizer, Cebu Furniture Industries Foundation Inc. (CFIF) spent about P6.8 million to promote the exhibition especially in fertile markets like Europe and Middle East.

In Paris, CFIF has coordinated with trade attaches in order to promote CebuX 2006 to the potential market.

"We used CebuX as the forerunner of our promotions. This is to establish Cebu brand as the center for high furniture making in the Philippines," CFIF executive director Ruby Salutan said.

Salutan said branding is the key right now. Using Cebu as a brand is an edge, especially that Philippines has negative connotation in political and peace and order.

"What we noticed now in international shows abroad is they bring in their brands, not the name of their countries," Salutan said.

Last year's CebuX generated a four percent increase in sales from the 2004 show at US$27.4 million with the Middle East posting the largest purchase accounting for 32 percent of the total sales.

Same as the previous show, North America and Europe came in the second and third place at 22 percent and 17 percent respectively.

Asia ranked fourth at nine percent, South America and Africa follow with five percent each.

In terms of country performance, the United States, which is the Philippines' largest export market for furniture, still registered the highest booking at 19 percent or US$5.16 million. Saudi Arabia consistently follows the US at US$4.8 million or 18 percent.

In third place is the United Arab Emirates (UAE) at 10 percent, followed by Spain which is two steps up its previous raking in 2004.

This year's exhibition has larger space (10,200 sq m) compared to last year's 9,200 square meters.

As of recent figure released by CFIF, there are a total of 294 buyers registered already.

Salutan said the show is expecting increased number of buyers from Russia, through Moscow, and Eastern Europe.

She said Moscow is one of the potential emerging markets being looked at by the furniture exporters right now.

"There is good money there [Moscow]. Their purchasing power is very high. People there are demanding for contemporary to modern furniture designs," she added.

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