Globe Negostar Fair inspires Baguio City SMEs

MANILA, Philippines - It was an all-out and exciting gathering of small and medium-sized entrepreneurs as Globe recently brought its SME-centric event to Baguio City.

Called the “Negostar Fair,” the event was conceptualized by Globe with the aim of gathering local SMEs in a particular city who are all looking for appropriate communication tools and services to grow their business.

The Negostar Fair leg was held at the Hotel Supreme Convention Plaza along Magsaysay Road where Globe Business’ Corporate and SME (CSME) Segment launched its products and services intended to inspire Baguio City’s SMEs.

Just like the previous edition of the Globe Negostar Fair held in Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija, the Globe Negostar Fair in Baguio was a success.

The numerous entrepreneurs who visited the fair were surprised to see that the event was nicely set up, and that Globe offered products that they have long been looking for.

Local businessman Everett Ortega, whose business is involved in school and office supplies, was invited by a friend to go to the Negostar Fair and was delighted by what he saw in terms of attendance.

Ortega saw the opportunity to acquire affordable yet efficient Globe products and be able to meet other successful and aspiring negosyante partners.

“It was nice to see so many entrepreneurs like me. Not only were we able to exchange ideas about doing business but also managed to get Globe products that would help our respective businesses,” he said.

Just like Ortega, Weng Caparas, an information technology retail businesswoman based in Baguio and a loyal Globe customer, believes that Globe’s products and services for SMEs will help her in her business.

At the Negostar Fair, she acquired the Globe Super Duo Unlimited P599 for her sales force. “In our business, communication with our sales team is vital, and I believe Globe product offerings can help us in this regard,” she said.

“We were excited to bring to Baguio City the Negostar Fair because we know that our products and services really cater to the SMEs’ needs. Our belief is that regardless of the size of one’s business, whether it’s a small product dealership or even fish ball vending, Globe’s products can help them be truly competitive and grow even further,” Manny Aligada, head of Globe Business CSME, said in a presentation to Baguio-based media practitioners.

The Negostar Fair’s Baguio leg saw the attendance of the cream of the crop of the city’s SMEs, who all marveled at what the various Globe products and services can do to help them grow their business.

A number of products showcased to the SMEs included BizMAX Prepaid SIM, the only SIM designed with specific tools and features for negosyantes; fast connectivity (from 384Kbps to 3Mbps) with an Internet and landline bundle called Globe Broadband Business Bundle; Biz Online, which helps negosyantes create their own website in five easy steps; Globe’s Business +, a mobile subscription with unlimited talk and texting features that can easily be customized to their needs; inventory management for franchise and multiple-branch operations with Globe Inventory Ordering System; security for business operations with a live video monitoring system through the Globe WebEye; and OneCall, a virtual trunkline with mobile extensions that enables businesses and customers to collectively stay connected anytime, anywhere with just one landline to remember.

Many of the entrepreneurs braved the long lines of applicants for Globe products and services and waited for their turn. While waiting, they were treated to an exciting array of games, prizes and surprises.

To cap the day’s festivities, the entrepreneurs were treated to a fun-filled evening through the antics of popular sexy comedienne Giselle Sanchez, herself an aspiring entrepreneur.

With this set of Negostar products and services, Globe Business believes that it would help Baguio City SMEs run their businesses as effectively, smoothly and efficiently as possible.

By showcasing them during the Negostar Fair, it also afforded the entrepreneurs the opportunity to acquire world-class quality business communication tools courtesy of Globe to give their businesses that much-needed boost.

As a full-service information and communications technology provider, Globe Business designs and delivers tested solutions to any business. It is a matter of thinking big and Globe Business will help you make that difficult first step as an entrepreneur. Further, as an enabler of business, Globe Business will be your partner every step of the way until you become the Globe Negostar that you aspire to be.

For more information, call the Globe Business hotline 730-1288 or visit

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