‘Message Eraser’ boosts security of G-Cash

In an era where mobile phones have become an indispensable part of daily life, the issue of mobile phone theft is a serious concern. Apart from cutting off the all-important connection to friends and family, it also renders individuals susceptible to other types of fraud.

Globe Handyphone, recog-nizing the public’s mounting concern over invasion of privacy, recently launched a breakthrough application that addresses its subscribers’ security concerns.

Aptly dubbed myGlobe Message Eraser, the applica-tion automatically deletes user-specified messages in a mobile phone’s Outbox or Sent folder.

Downloadable for free at the myGlobe WAP site and website, as well as on the official G-Cash site, the service is a preventive measure against data theft since it erases potentially sensitive informa-tion upon sending the message, or after specific intervals designated by the user.

Subscribers can register up to 10 mobile phone numbers for automatic deletion. These numbers can be encoded manually or imported from the mobile phone’s existing contacts list.

The Message Eraser adds another layer of security to the already strict encryption protocols enforced for G-Cash, the country’s first and only cashless and cardless mobile commerce service.

The application’s default settings are set to G-Cash, thus ensuring that confidential information such as the MPIN and p2p transfer amounts are shielded from unauthorized users.

With the Message Eraser, subscribers who have initially been wary of m-commerce’s security can now rest their fears since the application addresses the issue of the physical theft of G-Cash data stored in one’s mobile phone. The service also provides the same degree of privacy to other mobile ban-king transactions.

To download Message Eraser, all subscribers have to do is connect to the myGlobe WAP site, click on "Tools" and select "Message Eraser." Use of the service is free of charge.

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