Smart introduces 2 tri-band BlackBerry wireless handhelds

"Always-on" wireless e-mail connectivity via BlackBerry now comes in full color from Smart Communications.

In tandem with Research In Motion (RIM), Smart introduced two new BlackBerry wireless handhelds — the BlackBerry 7230 and BlackBerry 7730.

Supporting international roaming on GSM/GPRS networks, the new Java-based BlackBerry handhelds feature high-resolution color screens while maintaining superior battery life.

The BlackBerry 7730 has a large screen, providing extra workspace for data applications, while BlackBerry 7230 comes in a handy, compact design.

"We are raising the BlackBerry experience to a higher level," said Anastacio Martinez, division head for personal communications and mobile services of Smart.

The two new handsets feature color displays that make for a more "user-friendly interface." As with the BlackBerry 6720, the new models are Java-capable, which allows Smart to develop customized software solutions for corporate applications such as real-time order processing and inventory management.

"Since we first introduced BlackBerry in the Philippines last year, there has been a rapid adoption of BlackBerry by our customers and we are confident that the new BlackBerry handhelds will also be well-received in the market," said Edgardo Bautista, group head for mobile value-added services of Smart.

"We are very pleased to bring the new BlackBerry 7230 and BlackBerry 7730 handhelds to Smart’s customers in the Philippines," said Patrick Spence, vice president for the Asia-Pacific of Research In Motion.

"The continuing popularity of BlackBerry in Asia illustrates the importance of integrated data and phone solutions and the appeal of RIM’s ‘push’ technology. We strive to deliver the best combined wireless data and phone experience for mobile professionals by tightly integrating applications and optimizing usability and performance," Spence added.

Developed by RIM, BlackBerry is the leading wireless platform that keeps mobile professionals connected to people and information. It is a proven solution that provides users with integrated wireless access to their existing business applications, including e-mail, corporate data, phone, SMS, Web and organizer applications via the sleek and compact BlackBerry wireless handheld.

An international study of BlackBerry users conducted by Ipsos Reid found that users recover an average of 54 minutes of downtime per day. By being continuously connected using BlackBerry, business users can dramatically increase their productivity by making better use of "downtime" and responding to time-sensitive matters quickly.

For corporate customers, the BlackBerry Enterprise Server software tightly integrates with Microsoft Exchange or IBM Lotus Domino and works with existing enterprise systems to enable secure, push-based, wireless access to e-mail and other corporate data.

For individuals, the BlackBerry Web Client provides an Internet-based e-mail interface that allows users to access multiple existing corporate and/or personal e-mail accounts (including Microsoft Exchange, IBM Lotus Domino and popular ISP e-mail accounts) from a single BlackBerry handheld.

The BlackBerry 7230 and the BlackBerry 7730 are ideal for mobile professionals who want to manage all of their corporate data and communications capabilities from a single, integrated handheld.

Smart is now offering BlackBerry 7230 while BlackBerry 7730 will be available soon. For more information about BlackBerry from Smart, visit /Products/BlackBerry/SBB_Aboutblackberry.htm.

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