Siemens setting up AsPac call center in RP

Siemens Mobile, the world’s fourth largest manufacturer of mobile phones, is establishing its Asia-Pacific call center hub in the Philippines.

Partnering with leading call center provider Sykes, Siemens Mobile hopes to start off with 175 seats in its Makati-based call center that will service its clients in the Asia-Pacific region.

"We are investing in the Philippine market because we believe in this market," said Thorsten Nicklass, Siemens Mobile general manager for customer care and quality in the Asia-Pacific.

Nicklass said the availability of trainable technical staff, their proficiency in the English language as well as high levels of customer support have made the Philippines an obvious choice for call center operations in the region.

Call centers have been gaining popularity as viable businesses in the country. The demand for quality call center operators is high and Sykes is an acknowledged leader in this market, having been the first to establish its call center and support business back in 1997.

Sykes has also been expanding its investment in the country with four offices – two in Makati, one in Ortigas and another being developed in Cebu.

The Sykes-run call center will cater to Siemens Mobile’s main markets, including Australia, Hong Kong, Malaysia, New Zealand, the Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan and Thailand.

Due to the diverse mix of markets, the call center will support Cantonese, Bahasa Malay, English, Mandarin, Filipino and Thai.

Products covered by the call center range from cellular phones and cordless phones, and data modules support will include voice and e-mail inbound and outbound support services.

The Siemens Mobile call center will be operational in the coming weeks.

The Siemens Mobile division is an important part of Siemens since a lot of continuing product developments has been ensuring that Siemens mobile handsets are competitive in price and compelling in features.

Siemens Mobile is aiming to compete directly with Nokia and Motorola, and increase its market share, specifically in the Asia-Pacific, which has a large growth potential.

Siemens Mobile has a range of multi-functional mobile handsets in the market. It also plans to compete in the growing smart phone market by offering a tri-band phone with PDA (personal digital assistant) functions and mobile Internet capability.

Tarek Mirie, Siemens Mobile’s regional director for CRM and call center operations, customer care and quality, said, "Siemens believes in the core competence of Sykes because we have seen it work. We believe that teaming up with Sykes in Asia will not only underscore this existing trust but further strengthen our strategic partnership in the region." Sykes is Siemens’ global call center partner.

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