Dream launches first real ‘iTV’ in the country

Imagine using your TV remote control to play games you normally play on your PC. Or using it to get instance news and information on health and beauty just like you do when you’re on the Internet.

Or how about using your TV to get the schedule and synopsis of a movie showing next week? This is just a preview of what interactive TV or "iTV" can do.

Dream Broadcasting System, a satellite TV service provider, recently launched the Philippines’ first interactive TV service dubbed "Dream-M@gic," in coordination with M@gic iTV.

Dream, the first to offer digital direct-to-home (DTH) television entertainment via satellite in the country, through its broadcast center at Clark Field in Pampanga, receives TV signals from program providers worldwide.

The company uses the Mabuhay satellite Agila II to combine and re-broadcast signals in digital video broadcast (DVB) standard and NTSC color format exclusively to Dream subscribers.

M@gic, on the other hand, is a complete digital interactive service provided by M@gicBox Holdings Ltd. Founded two years ago to develop digital interactive services in Asia, M@gicBox Holdings has chosen the Philippines as its launching pad with the view of developing the services next in Thailand, India, Malaysia and China.

With the pilot service, Dream-M@gic, a whole new interactive TV experience, will be opened to Filipino consumers. It allows subscribers to see regular TV shows while at the same time access additional information with the use of their TV remote, an option traditional free and cable television cannot offer.

Subscribers of Dream-M@gic can play along live with their favorite game shows, trade stocks, do T-commerce – TV-based banking and shopping for home delivery – T-mail (e-mail on TV), chat or engage in interactive advertising, all with a touch of a button on their remote.

Opportunities for TV advertisers are also boundless with Dream-M@gic providing potentials for product placements within programs locally produced or even for major brands abroad.

Dream-M@gic offers 52 TV channels and 10 audio channels and access to five pay-per-view (PPV) channels and is accessible from anywhere in the country.

In the future, these interactive television services would see televiewers becoming the ultimate TV executives who have control of what they view, from where they are. Lounge chair shopping, for instance, can allow women televiewers to purchase the latest dress Carrie of Sex in the City is wearing in the latest episode. Sports enthusiasts can find out important statistics of an ongoing game or of their favorite athlete.

And this is only the beginning.

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