IT professionals still in demand

SINGAPORE – Flipping through the newspapers’ recruitment section, you will find plenty of job opportunities for info-comm positions. It is estimated that by 2010, Singapore would need at least 250,000 info-comm workers in order to support the growth of its knowledge-based economy.

Today, there are more than 100,000 professionals supporting Singapore’s info-comm industry. But still the number is not enough to meet the needs of the burgeoning industry. Most of the info-comm specialists are currently employed in the hardware and telecommunications sectors.

In a recent Straits Times report, Lo Yoong Khong, deputy director of the Manpower Development Division of the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA), said, "Such strategic thrusts are necessary to develop an appropriate talent pool with relevant and certifiable info-comm skills for Singapore to remain competitive."

As such, there is no doubt that the technological wave that is sweeping across the global arena is here to stay, and that the new Info-Comm Era would present boundless opportunities for the right people equipped with up-to-date knowledge and skills to prepare themselves for leading roles in the info-comm industry.

The info-comm technology product offering at Informatics centers extends a choice of four majors to learners. They are Communication Engineering, Multimedia Communication, Business Communication and Database Systems.

With this, learners are allowed to focus on one of these areas of specialization, all of which will land them in highly sought positions in the industry.

For more information on Informatics’ School of Info-Comm, contact Charlyne Santos, assistant director, at (632) 727-0401 to 06, or e-mail at Or log on to or e-mail

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