Krone cable sales up despite domestic slump

Krone, the leading global supplier of copper- and fiber-based cabling systems, is banking on the current boom of call centers sprouting in the country and the upsurge of local area network (LAN) operations in offices and commercial centers to make up for the declining demand of local telecommunication firms.

Krone country manager Larry Cunanan said the demand for structured cabling system from fixed-line telecom operators such as the Philippine Long Distance Telephone Co., Digitel, Bayantel, Smart Communications and Globe Telecom has declined dramatically since late last year mainly due to overcapacity and decreased consumer demand.

As it is, Cunanan reported that some telecom firms have complained of more phone disconnections due to non-payment of bills than new landline applications from customers.

The accessibility and popularity of mobile phones around the country contributed to the current slump in sales of Krone AccessNet connectivity solutions.

But Cunanan is hopeful that the uptick demand from LAN operations and call centers will more than make up for the slump suffered in the telecom sector.

Since 1997, Krone AccessNet connectivity solutions, geared toward the telecoms industry, have accounted for 70 percent of Krone’s business in the Philippines but have dropped to 50 percent lately with sales to call centers and LAN operations picking up the slack.

Krone AccessNet and PremisNet seamless connectivity solutions, coupled with the Krone TrueNet technologies, are the only ones in the industry that give a 20-year product warranty with a zero bit error delivery.

Krone PremisNet solutions are for commercial operations, engineered to handle technologies such as Fast Ethernet, ATM, videoconferencing, imaging and other multimedia applications as well as the next generation of applications.

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