New Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 now available

MANILA, Philippines - Sony Ericsson has announced the commercial availability of its new flagship phone, the much-awaited Xperia X10. 

The phone is Sony Ericsson’s first handset to run on Google’s new Android OS, and creates a uniquely Sony Ericsson user experience with several entertainment features and signature applications.

Among these are Timescape and Mediascape, two new exclusive applications that connect users to all recent communications through the phone’s Infinite button.

Sony Ericsson’s Timescape brings together all of the user’s recent mobile communication in chronological order onto one screen. This creates the most convenient way to manage communications simply and effectively.

Timescape lets users quickly access a 3D scrolling menu for easy viewing and organization of the latest SMS messages, e-mails, social network updates, photos, music and calls all in one place. Just tap to preview or go to full view.

In Timescape, the Infinite button lets the user access all of his mobile communications with one person in one place, whether it’s e-mail, SMS messages, photos, Twitter, MySpace and Facebook updates.

Sony Ericsson’s Mediascape, meanwhile, presents the smart way to get all the music, photos and videos from friends and favorite artists. 

It accesses content from everywhere, through the phone, and via YouTube and presents them to the users. If the Infinite button is pressed, additional multimedia content about the favorite artist or video is collated and presented from the phone’s memory or from YouTube.

Intelligence capabilities, integrated into Mediascape and Timescape, can automatically recognize connections among contacts, content and media. By recommending alternative ways to communicate or guiding to new media experiences, consumers can discover more in a truly open way.

For example, the new Infinite button guides users through the connected world, aggregating interactions with one person into one view.

Intelligent face recognition also recognizes up to five faces in any picture, automatically connecting them with the social phonebook and all other related communications with that person.

The Xperia X10 also features an 8.1-megapixel camera with 16x digital zoom and a clever face recognition feature that recognizes and tags up to five faces per photo. 

The image is then automatically filed in date order under each friend’s name. Photos can be uploaded directly to social networking sites, or simply click on a friend’s face and start communicating with them.

The Xperia X10 comes in two colors – sensuous black and luster white. It is available in all Sony Ericsson Concept Shops and authorized dealers nationwide.

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