Launching of Network e-Learning Program

On the sunny Wednesday of March 5 came the long-awaited launch of Bayantel’s Network e-Learning Program. The event was graced by department heads Rosalie Alcazar, Elcides Victor Fernandez and Nestor Quiniquini, and team leaders of the Network division. All were invited to learn the many benefits and implementation of the Network e-Learning Program.

Bayantel’s Network Division head David Rogers came up with the idea of how to increase the knowledge of his subordinates on the fly — knowledge that can be learned and accessed whenever and wherever. With this, comes Yapster e-Learning which provides an online-based learning system that can be accessed through the Internet and intranet. Now, the Network Division can train more of its people, learning at their own pace without being in the confines of a training room or a laboratory.

The program is spearheaded by Rosalie Alcazar, plant operations department head, and Alex Gonzaga, unit head for technical training. And I, also from technical training, will be the e-Learning administrator. My function is to manage the program, ensure licenses are maximized, and provide in-house technical support to the Network Group.

With the primary goal of optimizing workforce performance, Bayan Telecommunications (Bayantel) signed up for a tailor-made training program. Its employees will soon be provided with an anytime-anywhere access to updated and relevant IT courses identified to supplement current knowledge, skills and experience. 

Bayantel’s efforts are guided by a commitment to make a difference in the lives of Filipinos for the better. They believe that gaganda pa ang buhay, and that they are the ones who can make it possible. They do not measure their success in stock value or in the percentage of their market share or in how many new service centers they put up. Rather, their success lies in the families they keep together, the gamers they hook up, in the companies and brands they build.

While other companies seek customer loyalty, Bayan Telecommunications is loyal to the customer. They see more than just coverage areas and look into homes. They go beyond communications and building connections.

Change is inevitable. In order for companies to keep up, they must develop new products, refurbish old ones and expand their services. This is not at all possible without the people who strive to make it happen. Employees are the backbone of every successful corporation. To achieve this, the proper training and education for their staff is Yapster e-Learning Inc’s service.

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