Computer filters: Why we need them
July 27, 2001 | 12:00am
In the United States, more than 75 percent of its workforce is exposed to computers for two or more hours daily. Here in the Philippines, we have a growing number of employees who utilize computers for long periods of time in their lines of work.
Prolonged exposure to computer screens though is the main cause of what is called Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS), a set of symptoms which may be experienced by computer users caused by working in a short or near-distance environment and a less than ergonomically correct computer workstation. These symptoms include eyestrain, blurred vision, headaches, light sensitivity and double vision.
Have you ever won a "staring game"? Didnt your eyes water from keeping them from blinking? Because computer displays are made up of pixels, or tiny dots, on which eyes cannot maintain focus, our eyes have to strain hard to see the image on the screen. Our eyes have to constantly refocus to keep images sharp, resulting in undue stress to the eyes.
The symptoms of CVS such as eyestrain and headaches can contribute to a decrease in productivity. According to a study conducted by the University of Berkeley in 1994, employees who suffer from CVS account for a 19 percent decrease in productivity and task performance.
CVS is a necessary evil that comes with the conveniences that computers bring. One of the best ways of battling CVS is to make use of computer filters. 3M Phils. manufactures computer filters that block off up to 99.9 percent of radiation and glare.
All 3M computer filters have the anti-static feature that prevents data loss and dust build-up. When installing the filter onto the computer, just attach the alligator clips to any steel material to lessen the chances of losing those precious files. For more information, call 3M Phils. at 813-3781 to 95.
Prolonged exposure to computer screens though is the main cause of what is called Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS), a set of symptoms which may be experienced by computer users caused by working in a short or near-distance environment and a less than ergonomically correct computer workstation. These symptoms include eyestrain, blurred vision, headaches, light sensitivity and double vision.
Have you ever won a "staring game"? Didnt your eyes water from keeping them from blinking? Because computer displays are made up of pixels, or tiny dots, on which eyes cannot maintain focus, our eyes have to strain hard to see the image on the screen. Our eyes have to constantly refocus to keep images sharp, resulting in undue stress to the eyes.
The symptoms of CVS such as eyestrain and headaches can contribute to a decrease in productivity. According to a study conducted by the University of Berkeley in 1994, employees who suffer from CVS account for a 19 percent decrease in productivity and task performance.
CVS is a necessary evil that comes with the conveniences that computers bring. One of the best ways of battling CVS is to make use of computer filters. 3M Phils. manufactures computer filters that block off up to 99.9 percent of radiation and glare.
All 3M computer filters have the anti-static feature that prevents data loss and dust build-up. When installing the filter onto the computer, just attach the alligator clips to any steel material to lessen the chances of losing those precious files. For more information, call 3M Phils. at 813-3781 to 95.
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