New Oracle delivery option

REDWOOD SHORES, California – Oracle Corp., the largest provider of software for e-business, has announced a new delivery option in its comprehensive "software as a service" business model – the Oracle E-Business Suite Online Any Place.

This allows E-Business Suite Online service customers to choose where they want to house their server hardware, while still realizing the benefits of an online application service.

Until today, customers who have chosen the Oracle E-Business Suite delivered as an online service had to buy hardware management services from Oracle as part of the package. Customers can choose to maintain their own server and house it either at the site or at another qualified location of their choice. Oracle provides the rest of the software administration and support.

As infrastructure providers for this new offering, Compaq and Sun Microsystems are making available the E-Business Suite Certified Configuration for the Oracle E-Business Suite Online Any Place option.

These certified configurations include the Oracle E-Business Suite and underlying technology from Oracle pre-installed and pretested on pre-configured servers required to run the Oracle E-Business Suite Online Any Place.

Customers can now buy the entire Oracle E-Business Suite in a standard package, utilizing these pretested, highly reliable software and hardware certified configurations.

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