Quick takes from around the market

DMCI Mining [DMC 9.27 3.92%] [link] triples net income in FY21 to P1.7 billion, a new record for the company. DMC attributed the performance to “elevated nickel prices'', and keeping its two nickel mines open for the whole year. Semirara Mining and Power [SCC 32.70 7.57%] investors wish they had that kind of mining uptime, but at least they’re still able to dry their tears with fat stacks of pesos from their huge dividends from the same year.          

Figaro Coffee Group [FCG 0.67 1.47%] [link] says that franchisees are “keen on Angel’s Pizza”, and are interested in “multi-store openings”. You know what tells me that more than a news story? Franchisees buying franchises, as demonstrated by a quarterly report, or statistics, or... anything. Not anecdotes and corporate talking points. Show me, don’t tell me.          

AllDay Marts [ALLDY 0.49 2.94%] [link] did a press release to tell us that it has shopping carts with calculators that can keep a running tally of how much you’re spending as you fill the cart with Villar Family products. Did anyone else get a real Cirtek [TECH 3.60 1.37%] vibe from this press release? I wonder how quickly the carts are deactivated once they realize that shoppers are using the running tally to actively limit spending on ALLDY’s “elevated in-store shopping experience”?


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