Coming to the Philippines: Seawater pumped energy storage technology

MANILA, Philippines — Repower Energy Development Corp. is set to become the first energy developer in the Philippines to have seawater pumped storage projects in its portfolio after signing a deal with an Austria-based turbine technology provider.

In a statement, Repower, a unit of Pure Energy Holdings Corp., said the deal with Gugler Water Turbines GMBH would allow it to develop seawater pumped storage projects at several designated sites in the archipelago.

The Philippine government wants to increase the renewables share in the power generation mix to 35% by 2030.

Conventional pumped hydro storage has been proven to work for countries that are aiming to transition to clean power. But the use of seawater for storing energy is seen as a better option in integrating renewable energy into the grid system and ensuring stable power supply during peak periods.

In Asia, Gugler is the technology partner of Korea Midland Power Co. — which operates the Shinseocheon Seawater Hydropower Plant based in South Korea.

“We are looking to replicate Gugler’s success in a similar venture it has in South Korea,” Eric Peter Roxas, company president and CEO, said.

Repower’s first project will be a 320MW seawater-pumped storage facility in the Luzon region. The elevation of this project will be around 300 meters above sea level, and the lower reservoir will utilize the coastline for unlimited seawater intake.

Repower has identified an area in Luzon for the development of this project. The company said it is currently securing the necessary endorsements from the LGU and indigenous communities so that the development of a pilot 50 MW facility can push through.

Repower is planning to go public this year to fund parts of the equity of its 19.5 Megawatt hydropower projects and acquire more renewable energy projects.

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