Seminar tackles quantum physics, Eastern mysticism

MANILA, Philippines - Renowned international physicist George Weissman and noted lecturer and psychic researcher Jaime Licauco will hold a one-day seminar on “Quantum Physics, Eastern Mysticism and ESP” on Sunday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., at Prince Plaza, Legaspi Village, Makati City.

The seminar will touch on why certain natural phenomena that can be observed cannot be explained by current or commonly accepted scientific laws.

Discussions will focus on how a relatively new and controversial science given many names like modern physics, theoretical physics, quantum mechanics or quantum physics can put some semblance of rationality on things that seem to be completely irrational.

Telekinesis or psychokinesis, the observable and measurable ability of the mind to affect matter such as moving objects without any physical means or bending a metallic spoon, is an example.

Another is the power of the mind to accelerate or retard biological processes like germinating a radish seed in a matter of minutes, or retarding the growth of the larvae of a fly by simply commanding or intending it.

A more dramatic example is fire walking, routinely practiced in India, the Fiji Islands, Indonesia, and even in the Philippines.

Currently accepted classical laws of Newtonian physics cannot explain such phenomena, so these are dismissed as imaginary or illusory.

For more information, call 810-7245 or 0908-3537885. No knowledge of quantum physics or experience in ESP is required to appreciate the seminar.

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