Many Pinoys suffering from neuropathy

MANILA, Philippines - Despite its debilitating effects on a person’s life, neuropathy remains an unrecognized and underestimated condition hounding many Filipinos now, according to experts.

Dr. Gio Barangan, medical director of the Merck Inc. Philippines, said many Filipinos continue to suffer from neuropathy although this could be prevented primarily by taking vitamins B1, B6 and B12 and by observing a healthy lifestyle.

“Neuropathy is the disease of the nerves which are like the electrical power lines that bring electricity to the different parts of our body. The main reason for developing neuropathy is vitamin B deficiency,” he said in a press briefing last Monday.

The other causes are diabetes, malnutrition, and renal diseases that stemmed from high intake of alcohol.

Barangan cautioned that vegetarians are prone to developing neuropathy because they do not eat meat that is rich in vitamin B12.

“Basically, vitamin B complex — composed of vitamins B1, B6 and B12 — are water soluble vitamins. We have to replenish them every day and we can do that by eating foods that are rich in these vitamins… and by taking vitamin B,” he added.

To raise awareness about neuropathy, Merck organized a dance concert last Monday at the TriNoma Atrium in Quezon City that reunited dance icons in the 1990s such as Wowie de Guzman and James Salas of the Universal Motion Dancers; Joshua Zamora and Jon Supan of the Manoeuvres; and Jopay Paguia and two other dan-cers from Sex Bomb.

Debbie Go, Merck head of commercial marketing, said they conceptualized the dance concert to encourage the public to give importance to their nerves.

“It is an advocacy where we want to draw attention to the symptoms of neuropathy and how it greatly affects the quality of life of Filipinos… We want to show the importance of movements in our lives,” she added.

Neuropathy is characterized by pain, numbness and tingling sensation in the hand, arms and legs more often felt in the morning.

Barangan said that while people in their 20s could also develop neuropathy, the condition is most common among older persons.

“We have to take the usual vitamins in tablet form. If we don’t do that, sooner or later we will develop neuropathy… The little trauma that we experience every day can cause nerve damage,” he added.

Vitamin B1 or thiamine is responsible for converting sugar into energy and for repairing damaged nerves.

Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine not only converts sugar into energy but protein as well and, at the same time, makes new nerves, while vitamin B12 or cobalamin is important for metabolism and in the formation of red blood cells and maintenance of the central nervous system.

Merck Philippines is the manufacturer of Neurobion Vitamin B1, B6 and B12 supplements which can help maintain healthy nerves, promote efficient nerve function, and reduce pain in the hands, arms and legs caused by neuropathy.

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