Merck Serono marks Neurobion's 50th year

MANILA, Philippines - Merck Serono, a division of Merck in Darmstadt, Germany, recently celebrated the 50th anniversary of Neurobion, one of the first vitamin combinations in the world.

The occasion was celebrated worldwide with educational activities and information sessions for health care professionals that focused on the main symptoms and side effects of lack of B vitamins.

Vitamin B deficiencies may have various degrees of severity and may be due to several conditions, including, among others, a vegetarian diet or pathologies like diabetes or alcoholism.

Lack of these vitamins can remain undetected for many years. The diagnosis is often made accidentally from associated complications.

Early detection aims at preventing the effects of the deficiency and its long-term complications. The role of B-vitamin combination for the treatment of clinical manifestations of the deficiency, including neuropathies, is supported by several research papers.

“Vitamin B1, B6 and B12 deficiencies and associated clinical manifestations can greatly affect patients’ quality of life. Over 50 years we have continuously worked on developing the Neurobion family with a variety of innovative formulations and line extensions that meet the individual needs of our patients, including those in emerging countries,” said Belen Garijo, global operations head of Merck Serono.

Neurobion is indicated in vitamin deficiencies involving Vitamin B1, B6 or B12 depending upon the combination approved in each country. Locally, the Neurobion brand is also available in combination with paracetamol (Dolo-Neurobion) and diclofenac (Neurofenac). These are also indicated for neuropathic pain.

Neurobion is a complex of three essential neurotopic B vitamins that was first approved in Austria in 1962 and has been commercialized in various European and international markets with various dosages, compositions and indications.

Today, it is marketed in more than 70 countries. In 2011, over 1.3 billions units of Merck Serono Vitamin B combinations were injected or swallowed worldwide.

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