Why working women prefer Immuvit

MANILA, Philippines - Women nowadays are as busy as ever. Whether they are gainfully employed or busy taking care of their family, the tasks that they need to accomplish every day can take quite a toll on their energy and vitality.

This is especially true when they are already in their somatopausal age (mid-20s and up) as this is the stage wherein one’s metabolism starts to slow down and manifests itself in a diminished vigor.

“Gaining weight is faster now that I’m in my 30s. I’m worried that it would be difficult for me to keep up with my daughter’s activities if I become overweight,” shares 38-year-old management training and instructional design manager Chrisma Bangaoil.

But while Bangaoil, along with personal care products distributor Kelly Jugo, share these sentiments about reaching their somatopausal years, they are likewise confident that they can accomplish their respective tasks with the same vigor they displayed in their 20s with the help of the multivitamin supplement Immuvit.

Immuvit is the only multivitamin supplement in the market that contains the unique and powerful combination of two ginsengs (Korean RPC and Siberian) and CoQ10.

Ginsengs are used by different cultures for its energy-boosting benefits, while CoQ10 is known for bringing vitality to the skin and body.

“I always need to stay healthy because I have many things to look after at work and take care of my three kids as well,” says 39-year-old Jugo, who also designs wedding souvenirs.

Getting sick is also something that both women try to avoid so they could meet the challenges that come with their jobs and balance them with their responsibilities as mothers.

Bangaoil explains: “Getting sick is very difficult because of the responsibilities I have both at work and at home.”

As Jugo says, “My children depend on me. If I get sick, who would take care of them?”

Apart from taking Immuvit, the two working women also make sure that they maintain a healthy lifestyle. They, for instance, always find time to work out — whether at home or in the gym.

“I work out at home and have long walks to stay fit. Being healthy helps me to perform well at work and spend quality time with my loved ones,” shares Bangaoil.

Eating healthy has also become a norm for them.

“I eat healthier now. I’ve been adding more fruits and vegetables in my meals. I also stay away from junk food,” says Jugo.

So while it may seem quite a task for some women to meet all those responsibilities lined up for them, Bangaoil and Jugo know that they are challenges that can be overcome with the help of Immuvit and a healthy lifestyle.

Bangaoil concludes: “I’m not afraid of getting old. I have learned how to take good care of my health.”

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