A healthy drink for schoolkids

MANILA, Philippines - As children go back to school, parents try to get the best food products that can empower their children physically and mentally with the best nutrition while away from home.

Even school authorities and health professionals emphasize the need for children to avoid junk food and unhealthy drinks at all times.

Equipped with the expertise in nutrition and health, Sydenham Laboratories Inc. (SLI) innovates so children regularly take their health supplements the fun way.

By going beyond the conventional way of product development, SLI commissioned noted nutritionists to do extensive research and studies on mixing multivitamins into health drinks for kids without interfering with the natural juice taste.

Leading the formulation of this healthy beverage is Dr. Rodolfo Florentino, chairman and president of the Nutrition Foundation of the Philippines.

The result of all these efforts is Jus 4 Kids Plus, which combined CGF and taurine with vitamin A, iron and iodine.

CGF is Chlorella Growth Factor that en­hances physical growth, taurine promotes healthy brain cell development, while the other nutrients boost the immune system of children who drink Jus 4 Kids Plus.

Beverages Innovation, an internationally published magazine, recently cited Jus 4 Kids Plus as comparable with premium vitamin-fortified beverages that offer their target market a multitude of health benefits.

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